From charlesreid1
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Metasploitable: The Red Team Metasploitable is a virtual machine with baked-in vulnerabilities, designed to teach Metasploit. This set of articles discusses the RED TEAM's tools and routes of attack.
Exploiting MySQL with Metasploit: Metasploitable/MySQL Exploiting PostgreSQL with Metasploit: Metasploitable/Postgres
Exploiting VSFTP Backdoor: Metasploitable/VSFTP SSH Penetration by Brute Force: Metasploitable/SSH/Brute Force SSH Penetration with Keys: Metasploitable/SSH/Keys SSH Penetration with Metasploit: Metasploitable/SSH/Exploits Brute-Forcing Exploiting NFS: Metasploitable/NFS Exploiting DNS Bind Server: Metasploitable/DNS Bind
Metasploitable Services: distcc: Metasploitable/distcc
Metasploitable Apache: Exploiting Apache (with Metasploit): Metasploitable/Apache Exploiting Apache (with Python): Metasploitable/Apache/Python Tor's Hammer DoS Attack: Metasploitable/TorsHammer * Apache DAV: Metasploitable/Apache/DAV * Apache Tomcat and Coyote: Metasploitable/Apache/Tomcat and Coyote
Metasploitable Memory: General approach to memory-based attacks: Metasploitable/Memory Investigating memory data: Metasploitable/Volatile Data Investigation Dumping Memory from Metasploit: Metasploitable/Dumping Memory
Metasploitable Fuzzing: (Have not done much work on fuzzing Metasploitable...)
Category:Security · Category:Metasploit · Category:Metasploitable · Category:Kali
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Metasploitablue: The Blue Team Metasploitable is a virtual machine with baked-in vulnerabilities, designed to teach Metasploit. This set of articles discusses the BLUE TEAM's methods for defending Metasploitable: defending against and responding to intrusions.
Hence the name, Metasploita-blue. Overview: Metasploitable/Defenses Metasploitable/Defenses/Stopping · Metasploitable/Defenses/Detecting
Metasploitable On-Machine Defenses: Linux Volatile Data System Investigation: Metasploitable/Volatile Data Investigation Linux Artifact Investigation: Metasploitable/Artifact Investigation Linux Iptables Essentials: Metasploitable/Iptables Firewall Assurance and Testing: Metasploitable/Firewall Password Assessment: Metasploitable/Password Assessment Standard Unix Ports: Unix/Ports
Netcat and Cryptcat (Blue Team): Metasploitable/Netcat and Metasploitable/Cryptcat Nmap (Blue Team): Metasploitable/Nmap Network Traffic Analysis: Metasploitable/Network Traffic Analysis Suspicious Traffic Patterns: Metasploitable/Suspicious Traffic Patterns Snort IDS: Metasploitable/Snort