From charlesreid1

This template creates/organizes information about response surfaces.

The usage is like this:



Download the response surface here:

Some thoughts about this response surface?

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):


Some comments about the image

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 210. 
Degree of response surface is 4.

MSE =			 0.02069806 
MSE DoF = 		 9790 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.37829408 

R^2 =			 0.85452284 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.85141715 

Comments about the statistics?

Download the response surface here: {{{link}}}

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):


Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:
