From charlesreid1


Costs, scheduling, and utilization

Network, transfer of data, storage

Storage hierarchies - saving and archiving

Elastic file storage vs S3


Nomenclature - elastic means scalable (absorbs big increase in traffic)

Networking - VPCs, subnets, connecting via a VPN, can only attach at time of setup; networking patterns, single private/single public, single public, etc.

Basic security tenets -

Machine tricks - if you want to attach an existing instance to a VPC, or run it on beefier hardware, or change regions, or etc., create an AMI (image) from the machine (creates a snapshot); wait for the snapshot to complete; spin up a new AWS node from the snapshot, with the hardware/networks that you desire

Scaling upward: how can I automate this process? (Quote: "if you're SSHing into a machine, your automation is broken.")

Netdata for basic monitoring - bind to IP address, links in with networking

SSH keys - identity management - sharing resources with others (i.e., a VPC)