Advanced LaTeX
From charlesreid1
The main content of this list is located on the University_of_Utah_Dissertation_Class page.
University thesis typesetting requirements are notoriously absurd. The University of Utah is no exception (try Googling "inverted pyramid thesis" and you'll find several Utah people searching for a solution to this bizarre puzzle). As part of writing my thesis, I ended up rewriting the thesis class for my university, and during this process learned more than I wanted to about several advanced features of LaTeX. I'm documenting these here in case anyone writing a thesis needs them.
A list of some tricky standards I was required to meet, that are (will be?) documented on this page:
- applying an inverted pyramid heading and subheading style
- numbering subsubsections
- no subheading listings for appendix (and only appendix) in table of contents
- preventing line breaks from occurring in section headers
- changing bibliography heading/TOC listing (how to do in LyX too)
- create/eliminate standalone "Appendices" page
- appendix numbering for sections, etc.
- page numbering for one-sided vs. two-sided printing
- consistent equation spacing (or, controlling equation spacing in general)
- triple spacing between title heading and section heading, and section heading and "quotes"
- 2 or more lines required beneath subheading listings if they are at the bottom of the page
- abstract title N inches from the top
- chapter title N inches from the top
- no page number for chapter pages
- making block quotes single-spaced (quotation environment)
- list of figures
- list of tables
- copyright page
- signature pages
- title page
- page number not on first abstract page, but on all subsequent abstract pages
- all of the ridiculous image crap I ended up dealing with, and what package[s] w{as,ere} used to fix the problems