From charlesreid1
C3 examples: http://c3js.org/examples.html
C3 documentation: http://c3js.org/reference.html
C3 donut chart
Here's an example of a donut chart:
var donut_chart = c3.generate({ bindto: "#donut-chart", data: { columns: [ ["series1", 1.0], ["series2", 1.0], ["series3", 1.0], ], type : 'donut', colors: { 'series1' : '#4daf4a', 'series2' : '#ff7f00', 'series3' : '#984ea3', } }, donut: { title: "" }, oninit: hideDonutLabels, size: { height: 350 } });
If you want to hide or show the labels on the donut chart, you can select text tags in the chart using jQuery:
function hideDonutLabels() { /* Before user picks county, hide the donut chart labels */ $("#donut-chart").find("text").css("visibility","hidden"); } function showDonutLabels() { /* After user picks conty, show the donut chart labels */ $("#donut-chart").find("text").css("visibility","visible"); }
Note that hideDonutLabels() is called on init. When a county in the map is clicked, showDonutLabels() is called and the text is visible.
C3 area chart
Here is an area chart:
var area_chart = c3.generate({ bindto: "#area-chart", data: { columns: [ ['line1', 0,0,0,0], ['line2', 0,0,0,0] ], types: { line1: 'area-spline', line2: 'area-spline' // 'line', 'spline', 'step', 'area', 'area-spline', 'area-step' }, colors: { 'line1' : '#ffff33', 'line2' : '#377eb8', }, groups: [ ['line1', 'line2'] ] }, size: { height: 350 } });
Now, there are three functions to define interaction with the map: layerMouseover(), layerMouseout(), and layerMouseclick(). Here we just cover layerMouseclick().
var Nclicks = 0; function layerMouseclick() { showDonutLabels(); updateChartData(this.feature.properties); var county = this.feature.properties.name; var value = parseFloat(this.feature.properties.derived_quantity).toFixed(2); $("#info-name").text(county); $("#info-value").text(value); these_layer_ids = Object.keys(this._layers); // First, make sure no counties are selectFillColor. // Restore any previously selectFillColor counties // to their original color. map.eachLayer(function(layer) { if(layer.options) { if( layer['options']['fillColor'] ) { if(layer.options['fillColor']===selectFillColor) { //console.log("Returning active fill color back to original fill color."); //console.log("Before: "+layer.options['fillColor']); layer.setStyle( { 'fillColor': layer.options['originalFillColor'], 'fillOpacity' : normalCountyOpacity, 'color': '' } ) } } } }); // Now make the county the user clicked selectFillColor. // Some counties have multiple pieces, // so we need to use var these_layer_ids map.eachLayer(function(layer,ii) { if( layer['options'] ){ these_layer_ids.forEach( function(this_layer_id) { if(layer['_leaflet_id']==this_layer_id) { if(layer['options']['fillColor']){ // Get the county's current color. currentFillColor = layer['options']['fillColor']; // Check if county is already selectFillColor. // If not, make it selectFillColor. if( currentFillColor===selectFillColor) { // Shouldn't get here var a=0; } else { // set style to selectFillColor layer.setStyle({ 'fillColor' : selectFillColor, 'fillOpacity' : selectCountyOpacity, 'color': selectStrokeColor }); } } else { // Shouldn't get here layer.setStyle({ 'fillColor' : selectFillColor, 'fillOpacity' : selectCountyOpacity, 'color': selectStrokeColor }); } } }); } }); // Last, change the title of the chart //console.log(county); //$(".c3-chart-arcs-title").text(county); $("#county-name").text(county); }; function updateChartData(properties) { // We define arrays above, instead of inline below, // in an attempt to get Javascript to respect the // order of the keys. // No such luck. area_chart.load({ json: { 'line1':properties.line['line1'], 'line2':properties.line['line2'] } }); donut_chart.load({ columns: [ ['series1', properties['bar']['series1']], ['series2', properties['bar']['series2']], ['series3', properties['bar']['series3']] ] }); } // f = feature, l = layer function enhanceLayer(f,l){ // add popup var out = []; if (f.properties){ // http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#path-options l.setStyle({ fillColor: "#aaa", //getColor(0), //f.properties['derived_quantity']/10.0), originalFillColor: "#aaa", //getColor(0), //f.properties['derived_quantity']/10.0), fillOpacity: normalCountyOpacity, stroke: true, weight: 0 }); l.on({ mouseover: layerMouseover, mouseout: layerMouseout, click: layerMouseclick }); } } var geoj = new L.geoJson.ajax(prefix+"/canew.geojson",{ onEachFeature:enhanceLayer }).addTo(map); $("#donut-chart").find("text").css("fill","#eee"); $("#area-chart").find("text").css("fill","#eee"); $("#area-chart").find(".c3-axis-y").css("fill","#eee"); $("#area-chart").find(".c3-axis-x").css("fill","#eee");