CSC 143/Chapter 9
From charlesreid1
- 1 Chapter 9: Inheritance and Interfaces
- 1.1 Section 9.1: Inheritance Basics
- 1.2 Section 9.2: Interacting with the Superclass
- 1.3 Section 9.3: Polymorphism
- 1.4 Section 9.4: Inheritance and Design
- 1.5 Section 9.5: Interfaces
- 1.6 Section 9.6: Financial Class Hierarchy
- 1.7 Chapter 9 Summary
- 1.8 Chapter 9 Homework
- 1.9 Chapter 9 Code
- 1.10 Chapter 9 Goodies
- 2 Flags
Chapter 9: Inheritance and Interfaces
9.1 Inheritance basics
9.2 Interacting with the superclass
9.3 Polymorphism
9.4 Inheritance and Design
9.5 Interfaces
9.6 Case study: Financial class hierarchy
Section 9.1: Inheritance Basics
9.1 Definitions
- Code reuse
- Is-a relationship
- Inheritance hierarchy
- Inheritance (inherit)
- Superclass
- Subclass
- Override
9.1 Material
Large programs on large scale require abstractions - or, another way to look at it, abstractions open up whole new problem spaces
Hierarchy of employees example:
- Legal firm: lawyers, general secretaries, legal secretaries, marketers
- Each person is an employee
- Each X is a Y, &c.
- Types of employees have salaries, skills, etc., some are new methods, some override parent methods
- Is-a relationship between classes
Extending a class:
- Turn non-code example into code
- Employee class, Secretary class
Overriding methods:
- Lawyers, vacation days and vacation forms
- Overloading - re-defining a method from a parent class
- Overriding - one class with multiple versions of the same method for different parameter signatures
Section 9.2: Interacting with the Superclass
9.2 Material
Calling overridden methods:
- giving employees a raise: explicitly calling super method
- can only call super once - super.super.method() not allowed
Accessing inherited fields
- more complex example than employee class: stocks class
- encapsulation: even child classes can't examine private data
- implement an accessor method getParam()
- Now the child class can define a method that uses a parameter defined in the parent class
Super class constructor
- Methods are inherited
- Constructors are NOT inherited
- can cause trouble when trying to access private data
Example code from book: constructor that sets various fields to initial values
- Does not compile - fields are all private, cannot be accessed/modified by child class
- Let's examine what the compiler is REALLY saying:
- "Wait a minute, what do you think you're doing setting shares and costs? You're a dividend stock - so you take care of dividends. Let the stock class take care of stock stuff, like shares and costs. Mmmkay, thanks."
- The real solution: let the parent class take care of what it takes care of, let the child class take care of what it takes care of
- Call the super constructor
- Finished code for example constructor
DividendStock Behavior
- implement dividend payments method
- new method simply computes profit same as old method, plus dividends
- Extend getProfit(), which calculates the profit using super.getProfit()
Object class
- superclass for all other Java classes
- implements few key behaviors: clone(), equals(obj), finalize(), getClass(), hashCode(), toString(), notify()/notifyAll()/wait()
- can pass as type for a method or constructor parameter, then deal with any input type (although limited in methods can call)
Objects and equality
- Lamp analogy: if I show you two objects, say a pair of lamps, and I ask you, are these two lamps equal?
- You might ask me: in what sense?
- Brightness? Power consumption?
- Manufacturer, components, parts interchangeable?
- Exact replica, atom-by-atom, of the original lamp?
- Cosmic Zen and oneness with the universe: these two lamps are equal only if they are composed of those exact atoms
- What if one of them is a picture? What if both of them are pictures?
The equals method
- shoes analogy - equivalent, but distinct and separate items
- When comparing two objects, we may want to know if they refer to the same location in memory, where data for an object is located
- Or, we may have two objects referring to different locations in memory, but containing the same values for each variable
- We have to be clear/specific!
- The == operator is ambiguous for objects
- Always, always, always use .equals()
- Can now use boolean zen: return (a==b) && (c==d)
Checking class/type with instanceof operator
- We may want to pass arbitrary objects into .equals()
- However, if we call anything other than generic methods defined for all Object objects, we'll get compiler errors
- Really need to cast the arbitrary object into a Point first
- Let's first deal with objects that can be cast as Points
- Point other = (Point) o;
- Using instanceof keyword: allows us to use logic like "if can be cast to a Point object, do A, else do B"
Section 9.3: Polymorphism
9.3 Definitions
- Polymorphism - the ability for the same code to be used with several different types of objects, and for code to behave differently depending on the actual type
9.3 Material
- The type of a reference variable does not need to match the type of the object it refers to
- Specifically, can use superclass references to refer to subclass objects
Polymorphism mechanics
Interpreting inheritance code
Interpreting complex calls
- Method output tables, tracing complex logic of functions/objects with very generic names
Section 9.4: Inheritance and Design
9.4 Definitions
- Substitutability
- Has-a relationship
9.4 Material
A misuse of inheritance
- Point3D vs Point
Is-a versus Has-a relationships
- Circle has a point
Examples of different inheritance relationships:
- Vehicle and Chevy Tahoe objects (parent class is "simpler", fewer details)
- Polynomials and Lines objects (parent class is "more complicated", more details)
- Point and Point3D objects (no extendable relationship)
In the first two cases, parent class is the more general class, while the child class is a special case
Section 9.5: Interfaces
9.5 Definitions
- Interface
- Abstract method
9.5 Material
- What if inheritance is not the right tool for the job?
- cannot do multiple is-a relationships for classes that share multiple characteristics
- C++ allows for multiple inheritance: but this raises all kinds of very subtle questions, so subtle sometimes you can't quite describe them, and so inheritance becomes more complicated
- Java defines interfaces to represent common supertype
- Classes implement interfaces
- Interfaces define methods that each class extending that interface must define
An interface for shapes
- Rectangle, Circle, Triangle objects
- Polymorphic hierarchy of shape classes - but no code-sharing, because inheritance/code-sharing relationship not appropriate in this case
- This is a higher-level abstraction
- We want to define some similarities at a higher level - i.e., not saying, these classes will share these individual fields and methods, and these chunks of code
- Rather, we're saying, these classes will have these actions/accessors/methods
- Ludwig Wittgenstein tie-in: meaning and intention are important, get those straight before implementing code; interfaces can help
Implementation of shapes
- Actual implementation of Rectangle, Circle, Triangle objects
- getPerimeter() and getArea() methods
UML diagrams:
- Shape interface
- Circle, Rectangle, Triangle -------- Shape
Java API: PrintStream class
public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable, Closeable
Section 9.6: Financial Class Hierarchy
9.6 Definitions
- Object-oriented design
- Refactoring
- Abstract class
9.6 Material
Design of an object-oriented system
Designing the classes
Redundant implementation
Abstract classes
Chapter 9 Summary
Inheritance concept
- Translating relationships into inheritance
- Precedence, order, overriding
- Constructor
- Overriding
- Master super class: Object
- Equality
- Casting
- Overriding
- Mechanics of inheriting code
- Interpreting complex calls
- Method of output tables for tracing complex logic
Inheritance and design
- How to know when to extend a class
- Three Examples
- More advanced topic, getting at TEMPLATING
- Mention template feature in other languages,
- Not in Python because of Duck Typing
Chapter 9 Homework
HW Questions
(Recommended) Self-check problems: #5, #6, #7, #9, #12, #14, #19, #20, #23, #24
(Required) Exercises: #4, #9, #15
(Required) Projects: (none - Turtles worksheet will be pretty involved)
HW Details
- 5 - super vs this
- 6, 7 - interacting with super class
- 9 - inheritance example
- 12, 14 - define classes, create array of objects, what is output
- 19, 20 - inheritance and design
- 23, 24 - proper implementation of interfaces
- 4 - writing a subclass with simple superclass example
- 9 - bank account example, remembering min/max
- 15 - octagon, defined by side length, define perimeter and area methods
Chapter 9 Code
Lecture Code
Employee - inheritance code
- Simple inheritance template
Fly - inheritance code:
- Subfly and Superfly
- Fly Driver
- Another simple inheritance template
FooBarBazMumble - polymorphism code:
- Illustrates polymorphism with multiple class types
- Class diagram, several layers to inheritance
- Overriding select methods for parent class, asking "what will this print"
MakesNoise - interface example
- Loudspeakers, farm animals, city buses
- Java scientists engineers - section 7.5
Worksheet Code
Turtle and SpiralTurtule: Inheritance, new methods
- Nice project - graphical, so helps introduce some graphical elements
- Introduces them to using someone else's library and documentation for it
- Introduces them to the usual use case of extension - using someone else's classes
- Worksheet will be more detailed, less homework from book
Chapter 9 Goodies
Puzzle 2
more Caesar cipher cryptograms, no spaces (frequency or brute force)
Puzzles/Crypto Level 2/Puzzle 2
Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Quotes/excerpts, philosophy of computer programming
- Think about these concepts as broader language/grammar problems
- This is why we call them COMPUTER LANGUAGES!
CSC 143 - Intro to Programming II Computer Science 143 - Intro to Programming II, South Seattle College.
Chapter 8: Object Oriented Reivew CSC 143/Chapter 8 Chapter 9: Inheritance and Interfaces CSC 143/Chapter 9 Chapter 10: ArrayList CSC 143/Chapter 10 Chapter 11: Java Collections Framework CSC 143/Chapter 11 Chapter 12: Recursion CSC 143/Chapter 12 Chapter 13: Searching and Sorting CSC 143/Chapter 13 Chapter 14: Stacks and Queues CSC 143/Chapter 14 Chapter 16: Linked Lists CSC 143/Chapter 16
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