From charlesreid1

Using Response Surface Data

Once you download the .mat file associated with a response surface, you will see two variables:

  • model
    • matrix of size
    • number of columns is equal to the number of input variables
    • number of rows is equal to the number of terms in the polynomial response surface
    • variable order is as follows:
      • Mass flowrate
      • Reaction rate
      • Mixing length
      • Measurement location 1
      • Measurement location 2
      • Measurement location 3
  • response_surface
    • cell object that results from Matlab's regstats() function
    • polynomial coefficients corresponding to each row of model object are contained in response_surface.beta
    • covariance matrix is stored in response_surface.covb
    • R-squared and adjusted R-squared values stored in response_surface.rsquare and response_surface.adjrsquare, respectively
    • mean square error is contained in response_surface.mse

See the Matlab regstats() help page for more information:

Example of how to use this information to compute the value of a response surface is here: EvaluateResponseSurface.m

Composite Design Response Surfaces

Yp at X1

Quadratic Response, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x1 6dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 28. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.00080509 
MSE DoF = 		 17 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.05454099 

R^2 =			 0.99052326 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.97547197 

Quadratic Response, 2 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x1 2dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 2. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 6. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.00037084 
MSE DoF = 		 39 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.04927581 

R^2 =			 0.98998584 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.98870197 

Cubic Response Surface, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x1 6dim 3deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 37. 
Degree of response surface is varied, deg is a matrix. Max degree = 3.

MSE =			 0.00000010 
MSE DoF = 		 8 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.00069080 

R^2 =			 0.99999947 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.99999709 

Yp at X2

Quadratic Response, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x2 6dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 28. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.01492871 
MSE DoF = 		 17 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.19955474 

R^2 =			 0.93864060 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.84118743 

Quadratic Response, 2 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x2 2dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 2. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 6. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.00690353 
MSE DoF = 		 39 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.13735696 

R^2 =			 0.93490530 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.92655983 

Cubic Response Surface, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x2 6dim 3deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 37. 
Degree of response surface is varied, deg is a matrix. Max degree = 3.

MSE =			 0.00000006 
MSE DoF = 		 8 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.00020206 

R^2 =			 0.99999989 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.99999941 

Yp at X3

Quadratic Response, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x3 6dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 28. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.03224452 
MSE DoF = 		 17 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.30852831 

R^2 =			 0.88596596 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.70485306 

Quadratic Response, 2 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x3 2dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 2. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 6. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.01514132 
MSE DoF = 		 39 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.20318228 

R^2 =			 0.87715488 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.86140551 

Cubic Response Surface, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp x3 6dim 3deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 37. 
Degree of response surface is varied, deg is a matrix. Max degree = 3.

MSE =			 0.00000005 
MSE DoF = 		 8 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.00033261 

R^2 =			 0.99999992 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.99999957 

Yp at X Out

Quadratic Response, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp out 6dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 28. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.03845480 
MSE DoF = 		 17 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.34272386 

R^2 =			 0.86371957 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.64727417 

Quadratic Response, 2 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp out 2dim 2deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 2. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 6. 
Degree of response surface is 2.

MSE =			 0.01817059 
MSE DoF = 		 39 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.23540351 

R^2 =			 0.85227039 
adjusted R^2 =		 0.83333069 

Cubic Response Surface, 6 Dimensions

Download the response surface here:

The following is a visualization of the response surface (non-visualized dimensions are kept constant at their mean value):

CDResponseSurface Yp out 6dim 3deg.png

Some key statistics for this response surface are given below:

Response surface summary of information:
Number of variables in response surface is 6. 
Number of terms in polynomial is 37. 
Degree of response surface is varied, deg is a matrix. Max degree = 3.

MSE =			 0.00000000 
MSE DoF = 		 8 

L-inf norm resid = 	 0.00000000 

R^2 =			 1.00000000 
adjusted R^2 =		 1.00000000 