From charlesreid1
- Start with original example: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063318
- How to go about implementing this ourselves?
- Basically two components:
- Format for the data
- Colormap for the calendar
Lay out these two steps, focusing on these two steps only (ignore rest of code)
- This script visualizes days of the year
- Look at the data provided - what format is it in?
- How are missing values handled - do we need one date for every day of the year? (No)
- Colormap is simple - hard-coded values
- Colormap tools - how to use colorbrewer or Python matplotlib to create custom color maps
How the entire visualization is organized:
- Colormaps
- Canvas data are years, linked to shapes
- Write text for years
- Draw a blank tile representing day of the year (use built-in date manipulation to determine which week the date is in, which gives you x, and the day of the week, which gives you y)
- Draw outlines of months (probably the most complicated part of this visualization)
- Load the data and create colored tiles from the data
Original example: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063318