From charlesreid1


The Data Collaboration (DC) Matlab Toolbox can be downloaded here:

There are two versions available:

And you need Matlab.

(Also... to use the Matlab gui from the clusters, you have to download X11: )

CHPC Clusters

Version 1 (Feeley Version)

1. Download and unpack to DClabV1release1/

2. Before you can run the toolbox from Matlab, you have to make a minor modification. DC toolbox v. 1 comes packaged with SeDuMi 1.1 or 1.21, but needs 1.3 to run on the latest version of Matlab on the CHPC clusters. You can obtain SeDuMi from here:

3. Download/unpack SeDuMi 1.3 into DClabV1release1/source/SeDuMi_1_3

4. Modify the Matlab file DClabV1release1/DCsetup.m so that all instances of "SeDuMi_1_1" are replaced with "SeDuMi_1_3"

5. Add SeDuMi and DC scripts to the Matlab path by running the following Matlab commands:


6. Run the DC toolbox setup script, and you should see the following output:

>> DCsetup
Appending directories to Matlab path:
Path updated: run DCTEST.M to confirm successful installation

>> dctest
Testing software installation...
Upper inner bound:
Lower inner bound:
Installation successful!

7. To permanently add the DC toolbox to your Matlab path, edit the file startup.m in ~/.matlab/R20XXx/startup.m (where R20XXx is whatever version you're using; I've tested this DC toolbox using Matlab R2009b and R2010a) and add the "addpath" commands:


Version 2 (Russi Version)

This is essentially the exact same process as for Version 1.

1. Download and unpack to DClabV2/

2. Before you can run the toolbox from Matlab, you have to make a minor modification. DC toolbox v. 2 comes packaged with SeDuMi 1.21, but needs 1.3 to run on the latest version of Matlab on the CHPC clusters. You can obtain SeDuMi from here:

3. Download/unpack SeDuMi 1.3 into DClabV2/SeDuMi_1_3

4. Run the install_sedumi.m script

5. Modify the Matlab file DClabV2/DCsetup.m so that all instances of "SeDuMi_1_21" are replaced with "SeDuMi_1_3"

6. Add SeDuMi and DC scripts to the Matlab path by running:

>> addpath('/path/to/DClabV2/')
>> addpath('/path/to/DClabV2/SeDuMi_1_3')
>> addpath('/path/to/DClabV2/SeDuMi_1_3/conversion')
>> addpath('/path/to/DClabV2/SeDuMi_1_3/examples')

7. Run the DC toolbox setup script, and you should see the following output:

>> DCsetup

>> dctest
Testing software installation...
Installation successful!

8. To permanently add the DC toolbox to your Matlab path, edit the file startup.m in ~/.matlab/R20XXx/startup.m (where R20XXx is whatever version you're using; I've tested this DC toolbox version using Matlab R2009b and R2010a) and add the "addpath" stuff:


Alternately, you can still use DC toolbox but leave it out of your Matlab startup file by adding the above commands (except for the "dctest" command) to any DC scripts.

Note that you'll probably need to run the following command:

export MATLABPATH=$HOME/.matlab/R20XXx

Basic DC Toolbox Script

(Details & toy problem coming later...)

1. Load your experimental assertions

2. Load your model/simulation assertions

3. Construct surrogate model coefficients

4. Create ParameterAssertion objects (DC toolbox objects)

5. Construct the Dataset object

6. Create a ConsistTest object to run the consistency analysis

7. Create a Prediction object

8. Make plots

Keywords to facilitate searching





DC Lab

DC Toolbox

Data Collaboration

Data Collaboratories

Data Collab