Data Engineering
From charlesreid1
Data engineering - software engineering with an emphasis on dealing with large amounts of data
What is Data Engineering
Enable others to answer questions using datasets, within latency constraints
- Distributed systems
- Parallel processing
- Databases
- Queuing
- Human fault tolerance
- Metrics
- Monitoring
- Multi-tenancy
Example of where you start:
- Searches by keyword/user only
- Basic statistics only
- Using someone else's search engine
Example stack:
- Custom crawlers ingesting data (Gearman)
- Passing data off to custom workers
- Dumping data to MySQL/Sphinx/etc
- Inflexibility
- Corruption is highly probable
- High burden on operations
- No scalability
- No fault tolerance
Alternative stack:
- Many collectors dumping to Amazon S3
- Analysis with Hadoop
- ElephantDB
- Low latency (but lead time of several hours)
- More advanced statistics (influencer of, influenced by)
Data pipeline example:
- Tweets go to S3
- URLS are normalized
- Each hour, new compute bucket
- Sum by hour and by url
- Emit ElephantDB indices
Another data pipeline example:
- Tweets go to Kafka
- URLs are normalized
- Each hour, new compute bucket
- Update hour/url bucket
- Send data to Cassandra
Clojure example:
- tweet reactor/tweet reaction/tweet reshare/now-secs/interaction/interaction-scores
- serialization of data using thrift
Infrastructure components:
- HDFS - distributed in-memory big data filesystem
- MapReduce - operations on HDFS data
- Kafka - messaging queue (and later, distributed processing on messages)
- Storm - distributed processing
- Spark - distributed, parallelized computation on HDFS data
- Cassandra - scalable database
- HBase - database operating on top of HDFS
- Zookeeper - highly reliable distributed coordination (maintain config info, naming, synchronization, and multiple services)
- ElephantDB - like a NoSQL Hadoop store - key/value data in Hadoop
- Independent applications on a single cluster
- Topologies should not affect each other
- Topologies should have adequate resources (Apache Mesos)
- When submitting a job, specify resources needed
Data engineering vs data science:
- Data engineers have well-defined problems
- Data scientists need specialized statistical skills
- Data engineers deal with a larger scope - not just analytics
Open source:
- Important for recruitment
- Strong developers want to work where they can be involved in open source
- Popular open-source projects give access to better engineers
- identify good recruits, learn best practices, get help - not "free work"
Ideal data engineers:
- Strong software engineering skills
- Abstraction
- Testing
- Version control
- Refactoring
- Strong software engineering skills
- Strong algorithm skills
- Digging into open source code
- Stress testing
Finding strong data engineers:
- Standard "code on a whiteboard" interviews are useless
- Take-home projects to gauge general abilities
- Best: see projects requiring data engineering
Data Engineering Example: Twitter
Data Engineering/Twitter Example
Data Engineering Scenarios
In line with the data-engineering-scenarios Github organization that I created (, this page will contain notes on different scenarios - both finished and planned.
These scenarios focus on different technologies available via Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services. Roughly, they can be grouped as follows:
Compute Engine
An approach to cloud infrastructure that provides a greater degree of freedom, but requires more complicated configuration. Compute Engine gives you virtual machines that start as bare metal, so you have to build/install any software you need. This can be a pain but also gives you greater control.
Also see Container Engine section below.
Container Engine
The Google Cloud container engine basically provides a version control system on Docker images, which can then be pushed and pulled onto nodes in the cloud. This allows you to scale a single container image to deploy many instances, as needed.
Also see Docker.
Dataproc Technologies
This is the "classic" big data technology - distributed computing on clusters.
Google Cloud product:
- Dataproc - allocate clusters, run jobs
Amazon product:
- Amazon EC2 - allocate clusters, run jobs
Hadoop ecosystem:
- Hadoop - the big data technology that started it all; processing data in parallel on nodes using MapReduce framework
- Pig - works with Hadoop; higher-level scripting language that shortens Hadoop jobs
- Hive - data warehouse that sits on Hadoop (or Pig); gives SQL-like interface to query data. (SQL queries are implemented in MapReduce)
- HBase - Java software for non-relational databases, analogous to Google's BigTable; runs on Hadoop, can serve as source/sink for MapReduce queries, is a column-based key store; no SQL queries - MapReduce only
- Phoenix - turns HBase (non-relational, non-SQL database) into an SQL-like data store
- Parquet - column-based table storage that sits on Hadoop
Spark technologies:
- Spark - similar to Hadoop, but more focused on efficient computation
- PySpark - Python bindings for Spark (Java)
- SparkSQL - allows SQL queries in Spark programs, e.g., running an SQL query on Hive, and passing the results to Spark computations
Dataproc Scenario
The scenario here is dataproc-spark-kmeans-images-bigquery
This gets a Dataproc cluster, and runs a Spark job on the cluster that downloads images, extracts k mean color clusters from the image, and pushes the results to BigQuery.
Dataflow Technologies
Google Cloud product:
- Dataflow - building data processing pipelines for transforming streams, with sources/sinks
- PubSub - (unordered) streaming events and messaging
- Difference - PubSub is a messaging service that provides JUST ONE OF MANY sources/sinks for Dataflow
Amazon product:
- Kinesis - streaming events? messaging?
Apache projects:
- Kafka - publishing and subscribing to message streams, stream-processing, and storage of messages in fault-tolerant clusters
- Avro - a data serialization service; turns rich data structures into streams of binary data that can be easily passed around; uses dynamic typing (no code generated - based on schema); smaller serialization size (info about scheme doesn't travel with the data - but data is stored alongside its schema.)
- Thrift - provides cross-talk language for programs in different languages to pass data between them (data and service interfaces)
Dataflow Scenarios
- Docker pod - generating messages and publishing them to a pipeline
- Docker container running a collector (unstructured/nosql)
- Docker container running a dashboard to visualize the collector database
Query Technologies
Google Cloud products:
- BigQuery - petabyte-scale datasets
- BigTable - large, non-relational databases
- CloudSQL - elastic, scalable SQL databases in the cloud
Query Scenarios
Scenario 1: BigQuery examples (working out assembling SQL queries) for open data sets on BigQuery
Scenario 2: Docker-containerized SQL database, jupyter notebook, for neural network training
Scenario 3: BigQuery as source/sink for images in dataproc-spark-kmeans-images-bigquery
Machine Learning
Machine Learning Technologies
- scikit-learn
- sklearn-pandas
Supporting py-data libraries:
- Pandas - join, merge, groupby, shift, time series analysis, SQL to dataframe
- SQLAlchemy - SQL data into Python
- Seaborn - linear regression, basic models, essential plot types
- OpenCV - object and face detection
Classic Machine Learning Scenarios
Scenario ideas:
- Time series for messaging services - logs and traffic, outlier detection, publishing messages when anomalies detected
- Web frontend for OpenCV - bounding boxes where objects found
Neural Network Machine Learning
Neural Network Machine Learning Technologies
Google Cloud:
- Cloud ML APIs - using packaged/bundled API calls for achine learning.
- Cloud ML Engine - training TensorFlow models in the cloud with elastic cluster sizes
- Compute Engine - scaling workflows to large data sets "by hand"
- (Integration of larger data stores, e.g., BigQuery/Cloud Storage, with ML training)
- Keras
- TensorFlow
- Sonnet
- Theano
- MXNet
- etc etc etc
- Predictive analytics
- Creating business value from unstructured/very large/unanalyzed data sets
Neural Network Machine Learning Scenarios
Scenario 1: SQL data in a Docker container, training a Keras neural network model
Scenario notes:
- Don't reinvent the wheel, use pre-trained models and APIs
- Cover different challenges (OOM and large training sets), fuel/kerosene and helper libraries, HDF5 compression/storage, sparse events or large feature sets
- Scenario template: JS frontend, Flask glue, Keras/other Python backend
Scenario ideas:
- Pre-trained image recognition model, prediction of type of object, wrap front-end with graphs to show data, objects detected, etc.
- Trained face differences, upload two faces, give prediction.
Working through the Google Cloud Data Engineer certification course... See GCDEC for pages related to that.