From charlesreid1

Demo for first meeting of Wireless Research Project

Wireless Networks

We will begin by gathering data about wireless networks around us.

This can be done with a number of different programs. I'll use Aircrack's airodump-ng utility.

Start by putting the wireless card in monitor mode:

iwconfig # without wireless card pluged in
iwconfig # with wireless card plugged in
ifconfig wlan1 down 
ifconfig wlan1 up

Now begin monitoring, and dump information from the wireless card:

airmon-ng start wlan1
airodump-ng wlan1 -w output_file

Now you can open output_file.csv with a script or with a spreadsheet viewer.

SQLite Database

Use SQLite, and you don't have to install anything - it comes with Kali.


In one window, running a script that inserts a random record every 2 seconds.

Insertion script is as follows:

import sqlite3
import time
import string
import random 

# define a function that generates random data (letters)
def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase):
	"""This returns a random string"""
	return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

# define a functionthat generates random mac addresses
def mac_generator():
	"""This returns a random MAC address"""
	return ''.join([ id_generator(2)+':' for i in range(5) ]+[id_generator(2)])

if __name__=="__main__":

	# connect to sqlite database
	conn = sqlite3.connect('wifidata.db')
	# get a pointer in the database
	c = conn.cursor()
		# create the table
		c.execute("CREATE TABLE wifidata (device_key, device_mac, device_signalstr)")
	except sqlite3.OperationalError:
	# now insert 60 random records into the database
	for z in range(60):
		random_key = id_generator(size=8)
		random_mac = mac_generator()
		random_strength = random.randint(1,100)
		print "Inserting record (%s, %s, %d)"%(random_key, random_mac, random_strength)
		c.execute( "INSERT INTO wifidata VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d);"%(random_key, random_mac, random_strength) )
		# save (commit) the changes
	# close the connection

and a screenshot of the script in action:



In another window, running a script that queries the database and shows its contents

Display script is as follows:

import sqlite3
import time

# connect to sqlite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('wifidata.db')
c = conn.cursor()

for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM wifidata;'):
	print row


and that script in action:


Data Analysis

The platform of data analysis will determine the kind of analysis that can be done.

As a first-pass, the data dumped by airomon-ng was imported into Google Spreadsheets and I plotted a few histograms and scatter plots.