From charlesreid1
- 1 Serverless Data Analysis with BigQuery
- 1.1 Module 1: Data Analysis and Writing Queries
- 1.1.1 Data Engineers
- 1.1.2 Serverless Data Pipelines
- 1.1.3 BigQuery
- 1.1.4 BigQuery Project Architecture
- 1.1.5 Queries and Functions
- 1.1.6 Performing subqueries
- 1.1.7 Querying from multiple tables
- 1.1.8 Joining tables
- 1.1.9 Building Queries: Lab
- 1.1.10 Running a basic query
- 1.1.11 Aggregate and boolean functions
- 1.1.12 String operations
- 1.1.13 Joining queries on field
- 1.1.14 Using subqueries
- 1.1.15 Make Your Own BigQuery
- 1.2 Module 1B: Advanced Queries
- 1.2.1 Loading and Exporting from BigQuery
- 1.2.2 Loading BigQuery Data Using Web UI
- 1.2.3 Loading BigQuery Data Using CLI
- 1.2.4 Loading BigQuery Data From GCS Using CLI
- 1.2.5 Advanced Queries Using WITH
- 1.2.6 Advanced Queries: ARRAY/STRUCT
- 1.2.7 More Complex JOIN Conditions
- 1.2.8 Regular Expressions
- 1.2.9 Window Functions
- 1.2.10 Date and Time Functions
- 1.2.11 User Defined Functions
- 1.2.12 Performance
- 1.2.13 Pricing
- 1.1 Module 1: Data Analysis and Writing Queries
- 2 Resources
- 3 Flags
Serverless Data Analysis with BigQuery
Course 3, Part 1
(See GCDEC/Dataflow/Notes for Part 2)
Module 1: Data Analysis and Writing Queries
Data Engineers
Data engineers enable decision-making
They do this by:
- Building data pipelines
- Ingesting data
- processing data
- Building analysis tools
- Building dashboards
- Building machine-learning models
Enabling decision-making in a systematic way
Data engineers must know both programming and statistics in depth
Advantage of cloud services:
- Amount of programming you need to know has gotten simpler
- Statistics realm has also gotten simpler
- These have enabled better analysis - programming with data, building statistical machine learning models, etc.
- Enables end-to-end data engineers: building data pipelines, all the way through building statistical machine learning models
Serverless Data Pipelines
Building data pipelines using BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow
What you need:
- Python or Java (for Dataflow)
- SQL (for BigQuery)
- No-ops data warehouse solution - you ask it a question, you get an answer, and that's it (scales to petabytes)
- Topics: queries, functions, load/export, nested repeated fields, windows, UDFs
- Labs: queries and functions, loading and exporting data, demos
Cloud Dataflow:
- No-ops data pipeline for scalable data processing - you ask it to process data in a certain way, and you get the result (scales to large streams)
- Writing programs to process data (batch or streaming, code can work on both)
- Topics: pipeline concepts, using MapReduce, side inputs, streaming
- Labs: Simple pipelines, MapReduce, side inputs, demos
- How it works
- Constructing queries and using functions
- Loading data into BigQuery
- Exporting data from BigQuery
- Advanced capabilities (nesting, etc.)
- Performance and pricing
Labs: very structured; recommended you try different tasks with different data sets
- GFS/MapReduce papers (2002-2004), Dataproc, BigTable
- Part of Google Big Data Stack 1.0
- Dremel/BigQuery (2006), Dataflow (2014), TensorFlow (2015)
- Part of Google Big Data Stack 2.0
Big Data Stack 2.0 serverless approach is a result of problems with the MapReduce framework
MapReduce framework:
- Parallelize your data storage (sharded datasets)
- Parallelize the map operations, so each map operation works on whatever shards of data the compute node owns
- These results are then recombined on a different set of machines in the reduce operation/step
- The MapReduce framework requires a prior step: you have to take your data, and you have to shard it.
- This presents a scaling problem, because now you are mixing up storage and compute
- The number of machines you need drives how you spilt your data
- Each time you do a compute job, you first need to figure out where the data are stored
The TLDR: The serverless approach scales your infrastructure to fit your data; the MapReduce approach scales your data to fit your infrastructure.
Two examples of BigQuery queries:
SELECT nppes_provider_state AS state, ROUND(SUM(total_claim_count))/1e6) AS total_claim_count_millions FROM `bigquery-public-data.medicare.part_d_prescriber_2014` GROUP BY state ORDER BY total_claim_count_millions DESC LIMIT 5;
This can easily be switched to listing claims by drug, instead of by state: just change the two state field names to drug.
SELECT drug, ROUND(SUM(total_claim_count))/1e6) AS total_claim_count_millions FROM `bigquery-public-data.medicare.part_d_prescriber_2014` GROUP BY drug ORDER BY total_claim_count_millions DESC LIMIT 5;
- --------------------------------------------
- Interact with petabyte scale datasets
- Uses SQL 2011 query language and SQL functions
- Multiple methods for importing/exporting (incl. third party tools)
- Nested and repeated fields (JSON logs) are ok - although this goes beyond the regular SQL language
- User-defined functions in Javascript
- Data storage inexpensive
- Queries are charged based on amount of data processed (also fixed-cost plans)
- Immutable audit logs
- Can use access control to share data with others (without hassles of ops), so can enable data collaboration
- Can also share queries, so e.g., "How many people are taking course X" - respond with a query that they can open anytime
BigQuery Project Architecture
Pattern for analytics architecture:
- Mobile gaming - things are happening continuously in the game, generating a stream of events
- Events are passed (through game server authentication) to PubSub for asynchronous messaging
- Messaging is fed to Dataflow for parallel data processing
- Dataflow outputs to BigQuery
- BigQuery data can then be analyzed using Datalab, or BI tools like Tableau, or spreadsheets, etc.
There is also a batch component (e.g., historical data)
- Batch load sent to cloud storage (historical data, raw log storage)
- Storage and logs are sent to Dataflow for parallel processing (batch pipeline)
- Dataflow outputs to BigQuery
- etc.
Access control:
- Project level - top level, where the billing occurs
- Dataset level - organization and access control level
- Tables - data with schema (not where access control occurs)
- Access control happens at the dataset level, because you want to be able to join tables together
- Table views are virtual tables, defined by SQL queries
- Tables can also be external (e.g., live on Cloud Storage)
Columns vs Rows:
- Relational databases are row-based (record-oriented storage) to support updates to existing records
- BigQuery storage is column-based (more compact/compressed, easier to replicate data)
- BigQuery does not utilize keys
- Designed for massive and immutable datasets
Consequences for cost: running a query on fewer columns means lower cost
Queries and Functions
Note: to get all of the data sets, open bigquery.cloud.google.com Click the triangle next to the project name Pick Switch to project > Display project Then enter the following:
- bigquery-samples
- publicdata
- bigquery-public-data
Run queries from web console (bigquery.cloud.google.com)
When calling BigQuery query client program (Java/Python), need to specify project (not needed in web console - current project) when specifying where to select FROM (project.dataset.table)
Consider example query:
SELECT airline, SUM(IF(arrival_delay > 0), 1, 0)) AS num_delayed, COUNT(arrival_delay) AS total_flights FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime-data.flights` WHERE arrival_airport='OKC' AND departure_airport='DFW' GROUP BY airline
SQL features to point out:
- Can rename variables "on the fly" and return them with more convenient handles
- SELECT some-inconveniently-long-name AS result1
- Can perform aggregate operations (or even conditional aggregate operations) on the fields being selected
- SELECT airline, SUM(IF(arrival_delay > 0, 1, 0)) AS num_delayed
- Can perform counts of non-null fields
- SELECT COUNT(arrival_delay) AS total_flights
- (This arrival_delay field would be null if a flight were canceled, otherwise it is a number)
- Can perform counts of non-null, non-zero fields
- SELECT COUNT(IF(arrival_delay > 0, 1, 0)) AS total_delayed_flights
- Can set conditions using the WHERE clause
- WHERE arrival_airport='OKC'
- WHERE departure_airport='DFW'
- Can also combine these with logical operators:
- WHERE arrival_airport='OKC' AND departure_airport='DFW'
- We can group records (think of this as tossing them all into bags)
- GROUP BY airline, departure_airport
- This creates a bag for each combination of airline and departure airport
- Each bag contains many flights - we are performing aggregation operations on each bag (count, sum, etc.)
Performing subqueries
Subqueries use one query to feed another query
Using the query from before, we can fee those results into a new query - we are now performing a query on the TEMPORARY RESULTS TABLE
SELECT airline, departure_airport, num_delayed, total_flights, num_delayed/total_flights AS delayed_frac FROM ( SELECT airline, departure_airport, SUM(IF(arrival_delay > 0, 1, 0)) AS num_delayed, COUNT(arrival_delay) AS total_flights FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` WHERE arrival_airport='OKC' GROUP BY airline, departure_airport ) WHERE total_flights > 5 ORDER BY delayed_Frac DESC LIMIT 5
The first query returns a table with four columns: airline, departure_airport, num_delayed, total_flights
From those results, we perform a second query that further filters results (and performs a calculation)
This tells you the airline OO is delayed, leaving Atlanta, 72% of the time (most delayed departure location + airline combination)
Querying from multiple tables
To query from multiple tables, we specify multiple tables in the FROM clause
This query examines non-internal root actions over the course of three days:
SELECT FORMAT_UTC_USEC(event.timestamp_in_usec) AS time, request_url FROM [myproject.applogs.events_20120501], [myproject.applogs.events_20120502], [myproject.applogs.events_20120503] WHERE event.username='root' AND NOT event.source_ip.is_internal
If we want to match any tables within a date range, can use a "wildcard" FROM:
FROM TABLE_DATE_RANGE(myproject:applogs.events_, TIMESTAMP('2012-05-01'), TIMESTAMP('2012-05-03'))
This makes it easier to select larger date ranges without the complications of wildcards not selecting the right set of tables (May-July, for example)
(Not entirely clear how TABLE_DATE_RANGE or TIMESTAMP are working together, but ok, that's an SQL issue.
Joining tables
Nice explanation of inner vs outer joins: http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/database-sql/inner-vs-outer-joins/
Join predicate - the setting that tells the join what fields it is actually joining
Inner joins only pick results in common to both
Outer joins fill in records missing from one or the other with NULL
Left outer join leaves in all records that are in the left table, filling in NULL for fields missing in the right table. Any records that exist in the right table but not in the left table are dropped.
Right outer join leaves in all records that are in the right table, filling in NULL for fields missing in the left table. Any records that exist in the left table but not the right table are dropped.
Full outer join will include every record in both left and right, joining records that can be joined, and filling in NULL for missing fields of records that only exist in left or right tables. All records are kept/included in the join.
To join tables, use the JOIN ON statement (the join predicate comes after the ON)
(Note: this uses the fact that we can also create "handles" for tables, like this:)
FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` AS f
Here's the example, which we'll break down:
SELECT f.airline, SUM(IF(f.arrival_delay) > 0, 1, 0)) AS num_delayed, COUNT(f.arrival_delay) AS total_flights FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` as f JOIN ( SELECT CONCAT( CAST(year AS STRING),'-', LPAD(CAST(month AS STRING),2,'0'),'-', LPAD(CAST(day AS STRING),2,'0') ) AS rainyday FROM `bigquery-samples.weather-geo.gsod` WHERE station_number = 725030 AND total_precipitation > 0 ) as w ON w.rainyday = f.date WHERE f.arrival_airport = 'LGA' GROUP BY f.airline
Start with the subquery:
SELECT CONCAT( CAST(year AS STRING),'-', LPAD(CAST(month AS STRING),2,'0'),'-', LPAD(CAST(day AS STRING),2,'0') ) AS rainyday FROM `bigquery-samples.weather-geo.gsod` WHERE station_number = 725030 AND total_precipitation > 0 ) as w
This is selecting dates where there was precipitation at a particular weather station, and combining separate year/month/day fields into a sensible string that is comparable to the strings in the airline data set. (Left pad means, pad this number into a 2-digit number, using 0s to pad, so 3 is turned into 03)
We are then using a field that we haven't used yet - the date field of the airline delays database - to FILTER the airline delays we are looking at
So the logic here is:
- Construct a subquery that selects rainy days from the weather data set
- Do an inner join on the rainy days dates and the airline delays dates, tossing out the rest of the weather data set (this will also discard any flight delay info that occurs on non-rainy days, and any rainy days that we don't have flight delays for)
- Perform the same aggregation as before, counting number of delays and number of total flights
NOTE: if we want to first explore the sub-query, can run this sub-query; important to add LIMIT 5!
SELECT year, month, day, precipitation FROM `bigquery-samples.weather-geo.gsod` WHERE station_number = 725030 AND total_precipitation > 0 LIMIT 5
Building Queries: Lab
Goal of lab:
- Run some queries of data
- Modify queries to explore different features (functions, booleans, string processing, subqueries, etc.)
Running a basic query
SELECT airline, date, departure_delay FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` WHERE departure_delay > 0 AND departure_airport = 'LGA' LIMIT 100
Aggregate and boolean functions
SELECT airline, COUNT(departure_delay) FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` WHERE departure_airport = 'LGA' AND date = '2008-05-13' GROUP BY airline ORDER BY airline
Change to:
SELECT airline, COUNT(departure_delay) FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` WHERE departure_delay > 0 AND departure_airport = 'LGA' AND date = '2008-05-13' GROUP BY airline ORDER BY airline
Now run:
SELECT f.airline, COUNT(f.departure_delay) AS total_flights, SUM(IF(f.departure_delay > 0, 1, 0)) AS num_delayed FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` AS f WHERE f.departure_airport = 'LGA' AND f.date = '2008-05-13' GROUP BY f.airline
String operations
Run the query:
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(year AS STRING), '-', LPAD(CAST(month AS STRING),2,'0'), '-', LPAD(CAST(day AS STRING),2,'0')) AS rainyday FROM `bigquery-samples.weather_geo.gsod` WHERE station_number = 725030 AND total_precipitation > 0
Joining queries on field
Join sql statement:
SELECT f.airline, SUM(IF(f.arrival_delay > 0, 1, 0)) AS num_delayed, COUNT(f.arrival_delay) AS total_flights FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` AS f JOIN ( SELECT CONCAT(CAST(year AS STRING), '-', LPAD(CAST(month AS STRING),2,'0'), '-', LPAD(CAST(day AS STRING),2,'0')) AS rainyday FROM `bigquery-samples.weather_geo.gsod` WHERE station_number = 725030 AND total_precipitation > 0) AS w ON w.rainyday = f.date WHERE f.arrival_airport = 'LGA' GROUP BY f.airline
Using subqueries
Example query that uses a subquery: runs one query, feeds the results on to another query
SELECT airline, num_delayed, total_flights, num_delayed / total_flights AS frac_delayed FROM ( SELECT f.airline AS airline, SUM(IF(f.arrival_delay > 0, 1, 0)) AS num_delayed, COUNT(f.arrival_delay) AS total_flights FROM `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.flights` AS f JOIN ( SELECT CONCAT(CAST(year AS STRING), '-', LPAD(CAST(month AS STRING),2,'0'), '-', LPAD(CAST(day AS STRING),2,'0')) AS rainyday FROM `bigquery-samples.weather_geo.gsod` WHERE station_number = 725030 AND total_precipitation > 0) AS w ON w.rainyday = f.date WHERE f.arrival_airport = 'LGA' GROUP BY f.airline ) ORDER BY frac_delayed ASC
Make Your Own BigQuery
Baseball data set: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/baseball
games_wide: Every pitch, steal, or lineup event for each at bat in the 2016 regular season. games_post_wide: Every pitch, steal, or lineup event for each at-bat in the 2016 post season.
(Same schema for both)
Example queries:
"What types of pitches were thrown, how many, top speeds?"
"What was the at bat and pitching sequence for the fastest pitch(es) in the 2016 season?"
Github repo: https://github.com/charlesreid1/sabermetrics-bigquery
Module 1B: Advanced Queries
Loading and Exporting from BigQuery
So far, have covered what to do with data once it is in BigQuery. But important to talk about loading data too.
BigQuery is a primary endpoint for data being ingested/captured and processed
Ingestion/capture can happen through:
- App Engine
- Cloud Loging
- Google Analytics
- PubSub
- Cloud Monitoring
Processing happens via Dataflow (batch/stream) or Dataproc
BigQuery then helps with the storage and analysis steps:
- Store results of computations in BigQuery (or Cloud Storage)
- Data warehouse (SQL for analytics)
- Visualize data stored in BigQuery using Datalab/third party tools
Loading data:
- Command line interface - bq tool
- Web UI - drag-and-drop data
- API - from Python/Java/etc, or another tool like Dataflow/Datalab
Next lab will cover loading/exporting data to/from BigQuery using bq tool, web UI
Loading BigQuery Data Using Web UI
Airports.csv: https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-training/CPB200/BQ/lab4/airports.csv
Link: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cpb101-bigquery-data/#0
Local file: airport.csv
- First, need to create a dataset
- Then, create a table in the dataset
Create new dataset (must be unique to the project)
Click the plus button next to it to add a table
Pick upload file, and select the file locally on disk
Name the destination table
For the data types of each field:
- Can enter information manually
- Can also check box to have BigQuery try and guess
If entering manually, use drop-downs to see what types are available. Then click "Edit as text" and enter:
Because the file has a header, we want to skip 1 header row
Helpfully, we are informed that the schema was auto-detected, and if something went wrong we can just re-run the load job, adjusting the parameters of the job to make it work.
Now, preview the table to explore it. Works great.
Try a query: look for airports located above/west of a certain lat/long (just returns AK airports...)
SELECT AIRPORT, CITY, STATE FROM `not-all-broken.demo_flights.airports` WHERE LATITUDE > 60 AND LONGITUDE < -120
Loading BigQuery Data Using CLI
Starting with a data set that is provided:
The schema is also provided in a JSON file:
[ { "name": "YEAR", "type": "INTEGER", "mode": "REQUIRED" }, { "name": "QUARTER", "type": "INTEGER", "mode": "REQUIRED" }, { "name": "MONTH", "type": "INTEGER", "mode": "REQUIRED" },
Now, these are uploaded from the command line via the command:
$ bq load --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON \ $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID:cpb101_flight_data.flights_2014 \ gs://cloud-training/CPB200/BQ/lab4/domestic_2014_flights_*.json \ ./schema_flight_performance.json
(First argument specifies the source data format) (Second argument specifies the name of the BigQuery table to create) (Third argument specifies the actual data files) (Fourth argument specifies location of schema)
NOTE: realized that the problem was, it was trying to actually parse the header row. Was not telling it to skip the header row.
There is apparently no command line option to skip N header rows (as there is in the web API). You have to manually modify your data file.
Make a dataset called kaggle:
$ bq mk kaggle
Strip out header row
$ # tail, starting on second line $ tail -n +2 creditcard.csv > temp.csv && mv temp.csv creditcard.csv
Load the data into the table (adding --replace because I tested this command out with 10 lines of data first):
$ bq load --replace not-all-broken:kaggle.creditcardfraud creditcard.csv schema_cc.json
Here is what schema_cc.json looked like:
[ { "name": "Time", "type": "INTEGER", "mode": "REQUIRED" }, { "name": "V1", "type": "FLOAT", "mode": "REQUIRED" }, ...
Choked on this line, due to the 1e+ notation:
Had to edit by hand. Probably better to use --max_bad_records instead
bq command line tool documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/bq-command-line-tool
Loading BigQuery Data From GCS Using CLI
If data is on GCS, we can just point to the GCS location, instead of the local location - everything else should stay pretty much the same.
When copying data into GCS, use the -Z flag to compress the data first:
$ gsutil cp -Z creditcard.csv gs://stupid-bukkit/datasets/
Then use "bq load" command
Link: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/quickstart-command-line
Advanced Queries Using WITH
Link to BigQuery SQL reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/
Types in standard SQL:
- String
- Int64
- Float64
- Bool
- Array
- Struct
- Timestamp
Structs are analogous to classes - bundles of data fields that are named and can be accessed
Let's examine a more advanced query using the WITH statement:
WITH WashingtonStations AS ( SELECT weather.stn AS station_id, ANY_VALUE(station.name) AS name FROM `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.stations` AS station INNER JOIN `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod2015` AS weather ON station.usaf = weather.stn WHERE station.state = 'WA AND station.usaf != '999999' GROUP BY station_id ) SELECT washington_stations.name, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod_2015` AS weather WHERE washington_stations.station_id = weather.stn AND prcp > 0 AND prcp < 99 ) AS rainy_days FROM WashingtonStations AS washington_stations ORDER BY rainy_days DESC
Walking through this Texas Hairball of an SQL query:
- The with clause defines a subquery that joins noaa_gsod.stations and noaa_gsod.gsod2015 (weather)
- This selects only DISTINCT rows
- This means that we've now populated WashingtonStations with a bunch of rows - WA state weather stations that are run by the air force
- We then run the actual SELECT query, but actually we're running the query on the results of a subquery
- The subquery gets a count of the number of WA weather stations (from the with clause result) that had rainy days
- (Here I am getting a little bit lost... are we counting the number of rainy days, or just filtering on stations that experienced rain? Looks like we're counting rainy days.)
- We then perform a query from that result, to order the weather stations by number of rainy days
Breaking it down further:
- Start with query in the WITH that is joining two tables.
- Join predicate is stations.usaf (stations rn by USAF) and weather.stn - all weather stations run by USAF
- Returns station IDs and station names that are run by USAF
- Taking this result set, we use WITH WashingtonStations - so we are calling all of the results WashingtonStations
Now on to the SELECT statement:
- We are selecting the name of each of those WA weather stations we found from prior query
- We are ALSO running a sub-query to get weather data from the weather table (gsod205), using the station IDs from the query results above
- The sub-query is selecting all of the days in the weather table where there was precipitation, and summarizing the results as rainy_days
Advanced Queries: ARRAY/STRUCT
Link to BigQuery SQL reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/
The following advanced query will show how to use arrays and structs in SQL when using BigQuery.
WITH TitlesAndScores AS ( SELECT ARRAY_AGG( STRUCT(title,score) ) AS titles, EXTRACT(DATE FROM time_ts) AS date FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.storeis` WHERE score IS NOT NULL AND title IS NOT NULL GROUP BY date ) SELECT date, ARRAY( SELECT AS STRUCT title, score FROM UNNEST(titles) ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 2 ) AS top_articles FROM TitlesAndScores
Again, we'll break down this hairball of a query into its components.
Start with the WITH clause:
- Makes title and score columns into an object
- Makes an array filled with these two-column objects, and calls the array "titles"
- Extracts the data from the timestamp of each article (standard timestamp format, strip out the time information)
- Groups by the data
- The result is a series of arrays:
- Each [title-score] array is put into a bag labeled with the corresponding date
Note that if we weren't aggregating titles and scores into an array, we would have a very large number of titles and scores for EACH DAY, and so we would get an error that we would need to aggregate the results somehow. If we limited the records we were looking at to just the top items, e.g., replacing ARRAY_AGG(title, score) with MAX(title), MAX(score), this works, but is senseless - titles and scores have been severed, and we get unrelated scores and titles. So the ARRAY_AGG ensures that titles and scores are tied together - a particular title has a particular score. (Finding the title WITH the highest score.) The first step to do this is just to get all of the titles AND THEIR CORRESPONDING scores and pack them up into an array.
Now, examine the sub-query that follows the SELECT statement:
- We are creating an ARRAY from a sub-query
- The sub-query is unnesting the array that resulted from the WITH statement
- It orders each of these by their score (top scoring articles listed first)
- It then selects the top 2 only
- The unpacked information is then packed back up into an array (results of query are passed into ARRAY() function)
- The information that is packed up is the title and score
Outer SELECT query:
- Gets the list of dates from the sub-query in the WITH clause
- Recall, those results were grouped into bags, each bag labeled with a date
- Also gets the ARRAY results from the prior sub-query (title and score of top 2 articles)
Now, we have a series of bags labeled with the date, but in each bag we have only 2 arrays containing [<title>, <score>]
More Complex JOIN Conditions
Link to BigQuery SQL reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/
Link to BigQuery SQL functions and operators: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/functions-and-operators
Link to BigQuery SQL subqueries: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/query-syntax#subqueries
In previous WITH example (Washington State weather stations), we were doing a JOIN based on equality
JOIN not just limited to equality - can also JOIN using *any* boolean condition (including functions that return a boolean)
SQL functions that return booleans:
Example query: subquery a table of names, and find which ones occur most frequently in Shakespeare
WITH TopNames AS ( SELECT name, SUM(number) AS occurrences FROM `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013` GROUP BY name ORDER BY ocurrences DESC LIMIT 100 ) SELECT name, SUM(word_count) AS frequency FROM TopNames JOIN `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare` ON STARTS_WITH(word,name) GROUP BY name ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 10
(Question: where is word_count field defined? Is this part of the Shakespeare data set? YES. word_count is a field in the Shakespeare data set.)
The WITH subquery:
- Finding 100 most common baby names - those are called TopNames
- From TopNames, we will select each name and join that with the results of the Shakespeare table subquery
SELECT (outer) query:
- We are querying to create a result of each word and its total word count over all of Shakespeare's works - that's the SELECT word, SUM(word_count)
- Selecting this from the JOIN of name data (TopNames) and Shakespeare data
- The JOIN condition is that the word in the Shakespeare corpus starts with the same prefix as the top names result
- So, "Will" in TopNames would match "William" in Shakespeare
- However, "William" in TopNames would not match "will" in Shakespeare
- Looking for each word in Shakespeare that start with a particular name, and grouping them into bags, labeled with each name
- Then we limit that to the top 10
Regular Expressions
SELECT word, COUNT(word) as count FROM `publicdata.samples.shakespeare` WHERE ( REGEXP_CONTAINS(word, r'^\w\w\'\w\w') ) GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 3
This looks for the start of a word, ^, then two letters, \w\w, then an apostrophe, \', then two more letters
- Example: "We'll"
Window Functions
if we are looking at a particular row, we can use window functions to say, "Show me the next row" or "Show me the row that is N rows ahead of/behind this row"
Navigation functions:
- LEAD() - return value of row N rows ahead of current row
- LAG() - return value of row N rows behind current row
- NTH_VALUE() - returns the value of the Nth value in the window (example: median, 10th percentile, etc.)
By default, no ordering, things are returned shuffled. But once you add an ORDER BY, you have defined an order, and can start to utilize these window functions.
Analytical functions, ranking functions, etc, will operate on a *window*
Standard aggregations operate on a window:
Other ranking functions (also operate on a number of things in a window):
- CUME_DIST() - return cumulative dist. of a value in a group
- DENSE_RANK() - return integer rank of value in group
- ROW_NUMBER() - return current row number of query result
- RANK() - return integer rank of value in a group
- PERCENT_RANK() - returns rank of current row, relative to other rows in partition
When we define a function that operates over a window, we have to answer the question, "over what"? The OVER clause specifies the window frame.
Example query:
SELECT corpus, word, word_count, RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY corpus ORDER BY word_count DESC ) rank, FROM `publicdata.samples.shakespeare` WEHRE length(word) > 10 AND word_count > 10 LIMIT 40
- Select the corpus - name of the play
- Select the word
- Select the word count
- Then, rank the word within the corpus, descending rank
- Find the rank within that corpus
So, we are ranking the most common words (rank according to word count) for each corpus
Date and Time Functions
BigQuery uses epoch time, returns values based on UTC time zone (default)
Many functions for manipulation of date and time stamps:
- TIMESTAMP data type
- DATE(yr, mo, day) - can construct a DATE from numerical values
- DATE(timestamp) - can extract the date from a timestamp (supports timezones)
- DATETIME(date, time) - convert DATE and TIME objects into single DATETIME object
User Defined Functions
Standard UDFs are scalar
Useful for things like non-trivial string parsing
Define the function before you start with the query, then call the function on the fields being extracted
SELECT val, addFourAndDivide(val, 2)
Here's the full query with function definition:
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION addFourAndDivide( x INT64, y INT64) AS ((x+4)/y); WITH numbers AS ( SELECT 1 as val UNION ALL SELECT 3 as val UNION ALL SELECT 4 as val UNION ALL SELECT 5 as val ) SELECT val, addFourAndDivide(val,2) AS result FROM numbers;
Can go further, and define temporary functions in another language (Javascript)
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION multiplyInputs(x FLOAT64, y FLOAT64) RETURNS FLOAT64 LANGUAGE js AS """ return x*y; """; WITH numbers AS ( SELECT 1 AS x, 5 AS y UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS x, 10 AS y UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS x, 15 AS y ) SELECT x, y, multiplyInputs(x,y) AS product FROM numbers
- RETURNS [data type]
- LANGUAGE [language]
- AS [external code]
- UDFs must return less than 5 MB
- Only 6 concurrent UDFs can be run at a time
- Native Javascript functions not supported
- Javascript is only 32 bits, so it only handles the most significant 32 bits
- Query jobs can only define maximum 50 Javascript UDF resources
- Each inline blob limited to 32 KB
- Each external code resource limited to 1 MB
Lab: write a query and run it from Java or Python.
Query will examine what languages are used on Github checkins on weekends
Less work means faster (and cheaper) query
What is work?
- I/O - number of bytes red
- Shuffle - how many bytes passed to next stage
- Materialization - holding data/bytes in memory, versus writing them out
- CPU overhead associated with functions being called (SUM/COUNT are cheap, SIN/COS are more expensive)
To improve performance:
- BigQuery is a column-based database, so limit query only to the columns you need
- More columns = more network, more IO, more materialization
- Avoid SELECT *
Filter early and often:
- Use WHERE clauses (as early as possible) to filter data and reduce the amount of data passed between stages of the query
- The more rows are processed, the more data is processed, the slower the query
- When doing a JOIN, you want to do the biggest joins first, and smaller joins later (this reduces the amount of data traveling through your query)
Low cardinality GROUP BYs
- When you are grouping, think about how much data you are grouping
- Low cardinality keys and groups are grouped faster (i.e., fewer bags)
- High cardinality groups are slower (i.e., more bags)
- You should get a count of how many groups you have, and about how many rows there are per key, in order to best understand the performance of your query
Example: how many commits per language
- Javascript - high cardinality key
- Haskell - low cardinality key
- WHERE clause can help you avoid processing keys
- HAVING num_commits > 100
- This will reduce tail latency (lots and lots of small groups)
- Built-in functions are faster than UDFs, so try to use SQL functions
- SQL UDFs are slightly faster than Javascript UDFs
- BigQuery also supports approximate functions
- Example: APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT is much faster than COUNT(DISTINCT)
- Approximate means, within 1% of the actual number
- Only apply an ORDER on the outermost query
- Usually makes no sense to ORDER an inner query
- Filter first, then order
- Otherwise, you're sorting things that you don't need to sort
Wildcard tables:
- Querying multiple tables using wildcards
- Number of tables affects performance
- Example: "FROM `bigquery-public-data.noa_gsod.gsod*`
Table partitioning:
- Can partition a table by timestamp
- Specify the column that contains timestamp
- Partition, behind the scenes, on a particular timestamp
- Gives you same performance as a sharded table (reducing query to a limited number of shards)
While this works essentially the same way as a partitioned table, keep in mind the partitions are NOT as obvious to outsiders
Partitioning is much cleaner (one table), but imposes a cognitive load on everyone writing queries to remember to partition on a column
Optimize your queries, but also measure and monitor
- Per-query explain plans: what did the query do?
- Monitoring with Stackdriver: what's happening with resources?
BigQuery explanations:
- Breakdown, stage by stage, of timing, input/output rows, etc.
- Wait/Read/Compute/Write breakdowns
Identifying skew:
- The other portion of the BigQuery explanation shows the ratio of maximum to average times for Wait/Read/Write/Compute
- Skew means, maximum is much larger than average
- This tells you some things are taking longer than average to process
Plans and categories:
- Look for stages where you have significant skew, and improve the tail skew (lots of small groups)
- Add conditions (WHERE x) to filter out more records
- Use APPROX_TOP_COUNT to check
- Filter early
- If most time spent on CPU tasks, use approximate functions, examine UDF usage, filter earlier to reduce number of rows being operated on
BigQuery stack driver:
- Can show different metrics in a dashboard
- Slot utilization, queries in flight, uploaded bytes, stored bytes, etc.
What's free?
- Loading
- Exporting
- Queries on metadata (number of rows, names of columns, etc.)
- Cached queries (per user)
- Queries with errors
What's not free?
- Storage
- Compute
Storage costs:
- Amount of data stored
- Rate of ingestion of data
- Older data gets a discount
Processing costs:
- On-demand plans depend on amount of data queried/processed
- Flat rate plans do not
- 1 TB/month free
- Can run high-compute queries, but have to opt in, special charge
Pricing info: http://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing
Client libraries: http://cloud.google.com/bigquery/client-libraries
BigQuery basics - code lab: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cpb101-bigquery-query/#0
BigQuery data - code lab: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cpb101-bigquery-data/#0
Airports data (for code lab): https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-training/CPB200/BQ/lab4/airports.csv
Link to bq command line tool documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/bq-command-line-tool
Link to BigQuery SQL reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/
Pricing info: http://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing
Client libraries: http://cloud.google.com/bigquery/client-libraries
Nice explanation of inner vs outer joins: http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/database-sql/inner-vs-outer-joins/
charlesreid1 github repo for BigQuery practice: https://github.com/charlesreid1/sabermetrics-bigquery
Baseball data set: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/baseball