From charlesreid1

Basic Example

What this example covers

This page covers the setup of a simple Go pipeline on Travis CI:

  • formats new code to meet standards
  • test new additions to the code base (possibly using multiple versions of Go)
  • prevent breaking changes from being merged to master
  • ask for code reviews

Before you begin

Before starting, you'll need to set up a Travis account and integrate it with Github. See

A simple Go test

Let's start with a simple Go test that we can use to illustrate how to set up Travis CI.

We begin with main.go, which defines a Calculate() method we can write a test for.

// main.go
package main

import (

func calculate(x int) int {
	return x + 2

func main() {
	fmt.Println("This is a test")

Next we write a unit test for our Go function. This is a simple barebones test, not following best practices.

// main_test.go
package main

import "testing"

func test_calculation(t *testing.T) {
	if calculate(2) != 4 {
		t.Fatal("Test of calculate method failed")

Writing a code-linting shell script

To have Travis CI automatically format our Go code, we can write a simple shell script to run the gofmt utility:


if [ -n "$(gofmt -l .)" ]; then
  echo "Go code is not formatted:"
  gofmt -d .
  exit 1

dot travis yml

barebones skeleton .travis.yml for Go

# .travis.yml
language: go

sudo: false

  - "1.8"
  - "1.9"
  - "1.10"
  - "1.11"
  - tip

add go test and shell script to .travis.yml

language: go

sudo: false

  - "1.8"
  - "1.9"
  - "1.10"
  - "1.11"
  - tip

  - ./
  - go test -v -race $(go list ./... | grep -v vendor)


Travis CI integration pipeline:
