From charlesreid1


On this page we attempt to cover the basics of using the Google Drive API.


  • Enable Google Drive API in Google Cloud Console
  • Download client_secrets.json which contains credentials to make requests as your application
  • Run your application and present the user with a unique login link
  • They log in, you end up with credentials.json which contain credentials to do things on behalf of that user
  • Use credentials.json when making API calls

Create Project in Google Cloud Console

Start at the Getting Started Page for the Google Python API Client.


Start by going to the manage resources page:

Click the Create Project button

Enable Drive API in Google Cloud Console

Enable the Google Drive API for the project you just created at the Google Cloud Console API Dashboard:

Search for the Drive API and enable it.

Download Client Secret

Now you are ready to download client_secret.json.

Go to the credentials section of the Google Cloud Console:

Pick your project, and you should see a list of existing OAuth 2 credentials. If you don't, click the blue "Creaate Credentials" button and create new OAuth 2 credentials.

When you create OAuth 2 credentials, you are implicitly choosing to implement an app with an architecture where your app asks a user for a certain permission level on their account, and the user approves or denies, and is authorized, entirely through the third-party service (Google).

Authenticate with Python

Now you can authenticate as the user, and obtain credentials.json containing credentials to take actions on that user's account, using a Python program:

from apiclient.discovery import build
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools

# Setup the Drive v3 API
# Give it access to all the things (files plus metadata) but read-only
store = file.Storage('nihdatacommons_credentials.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
    flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secrets.json', SCOPES)
    creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
service = build('drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http()))

This script requires client_secrets.json to be in the same directory. It will build a Google Drive service, which will automatically open a browser and visit a URL with a unique login token specific to this OAuth app. The user then logs in, and it closes the browser window and creates credentials.json, user-account-specific credentials.