From charlesreid1


Mac OS X Lion: Use Brew

If you're on Mac OS X Lion (10.7), you may run into issues. If you're less inclined to get elbow-deep in computer problems, you can just use Homebrew (, a really nice package manager for Mac OS X. MacPorts and Fink can both be nightmares, but Homebrew manages to do everything hassle-free.

You can install HDF5 using Homebrew by running:

$ brew install hdf5

UPDATE: HDF5 has since moved to Homebrew-Science ( You can "tap" into Homebrew Science to get to the HDF5 recipe.


I am using the HDF5 libraries for various software tools available through the CRSim Software repository - specifically, C++ programs using the C++ interface to HDF5 - necessitating the --enable-cxx configure argument:

./configure \
 --prefix=/path/to/hdf5 \

You can optionally use the configure arguments --enable-static-exe --enable-static, though in my experience these aren't necessary to build (and link to) HDF5.


You may run into problems during make check, something looking like this:

Testing hard normalized long double -> signed char conversions        Command terminated by signal 11
0.31user 0.04system 0:01.64elapsed 21%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 19936maxresident)k
824inputs+360outputs (6major+14996minor)pagefaults 0swaps
make[4]: *** [dt_arith.chkexe_] Error 1

The solution, as mentioned here, is to modify the configure flags for GNU compilers (the one used on Mac, if you're using gcc). Change the PROD_CFLAG for gcc compilers version 4 and up to use -O0 instead of the default -O3.


Python and HDF5

Link to docs:

Link to quickstart:

Start by creating an HDF5 file object:

>>> import h5py
>>> import numpy as np
>>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w")

Now that you have a file object, create data sets:

>>> dset = f.create_dataset("mydataset", (100,), dtype='i')

(This is not a file, but a dataset object - this is similar to a Numpy array.)

HDF5 files are stored in a hierarchical way, with a "directory"-like structure.


The file object is the root group, equivalent to / on a Unix system:

