From charlesreid1

Importing Video

When you import video, it creates an event in the event library.

Creating A Video

You create a video via a project. The project portion of the window contains the various video clips, transitions, and sound bytes that compose the project.

Add Music, Photographs, or Titles

On the right side of the iMovie window, below the video viewer, are a set of icons. Three of them will allow you to insert music, photographs, or text/titles. You can click on each one, and it will bring up a music/photograph browser, or a list of styles for text and titles.

IMovie music photos titles.png


You can cut, slice, and combine various video clips from different events (or even a video clip from a single event). Transitions provide a "pretty" way of switching between these video clips.

In the set of icons below the video viewer is an icon for transitions. This allows you to browse among different transitions and insert them into the project. These include transitions like a fade to black, fade in/out, slide left/right, etc.

IMovie transitions.png

By dragging and dropping, you can insert the transitions wherever in your project you'd like. You can hover over the transition, and click the cog wheel that shows up, in order to modify the settings related to that transition (amount of time, etc.)