July 2016/Github
From charlesreid1
goals with using github:
- visibility
- convenience
- open access
- utility for own coding
- teaching habits
- practicing habits
Hello World:
- don't want to bloat it, but could be useful for showing how to run a unit test, etc.
- Good for visibility
- Harder to organize, not as good for the habits goal - harder to control code base
- Purpose? Quick dashboard? Interesting data set?
- What can you teach? What forum, for what purpose?
Nice example:
- Github repo with iPython notebooks for intro to chemical engineering: http://jckantor.github.io/CBE20255/
- In general: interesting/useful iPython notebook repositories on Github: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/A-gallery-of-interesting-IPython-Notebooks#engineering-education
on the stack
next up
- What topic?
- Focus - focus on something of interest to me
- Let the application and the learning and the finished product be the end
- Science topic
- Census data
- Sensor data
hello world repository
What's to be done:
- basic differential equation solver
What's Done:
- Link: https://github.com/charlesreid1/hello-world
http get, http serverAdded new languages: Go, Perl, Awk, Matlab, Java, etc.Date script for multiple languagesGood start so farAdd compilation instructions (how to install compilers on various machines)next step for hello world: add hello world web serveradd math function (pi approximation, ode implementation)
Nosecleaner would be useful for UGR projects: https://github.com/charlesreid1/nosecleaner
As would wifi-data: https://github.com/charlesreid1/wifi-data
the attic
stuff that really ought not be dusted off: Attic repositories
github a public code sharing website
Notes by date: July 2016/Github Old stuff: Octopress/Octopress_with_Github_Project_Pages Category:Github · Category:Software