July 2016/Pi Thing
From charlesreid1
Pi thing:
- start with cameras
- add some weather sensors - light, temperature, pressure, rain
- add a web sdr radio antenna sensor - record anomolous VHF spetra in specific ranges during the day
- web interface for displaying latest photo
- motors and motor control - but possibly on another pi
Hardware required:
- Raspberry Pi and enclosure
- Camera and enclosure
- Microphone
Camera options:
- Microcamera USB with enclosure (on order)
- GoPro USB power with enclosure (on order)
- Android USB with enclosure (?)
Microcamera USB:
- This is optimal option, if enclosure is maneuverable.
- If not, alternative enclosure options can be printed/fashioned from acrylic.
- Another great option, but space inside weatherproof enclosure makes data transfer difficult/impossible.
- Makes for no-go with obtaining live data feed.
- Still useful for long-term fixed time lapses with GoPro
- Not sure about this option - but some of these sensors have to be useful/available?
Microphone options:
- Android is probably best here...
- Can't be a difficult or expensive technology - microphones aren't that uncommon...
Hardware Status Check:
- Raspberry Pi 3 plain board (CHECK)
- Raspberry Pi 3 enclosure (CHECK)
- USB hookup to camera (ON ORDER)
- Camera weatherproof enclosure (ON ORDER)
- GoPro power cable (ON ORDER)
- GoPro data cable (POSSIBLE ROADBLOCK)
- Android (?)
- VPN only
- Use OpenVPN to create a VPN between myself (e.g. and that computer (
- Then see the latest by opening the browser to
Pi Setup
Used this page: Kali_Raspberry_Pi/Installing
Installed an arm image of Kali Linux onto the Raspberry Pi.
Pi Camera Setup
I connected the raspberry pi camera I had, which connects via a flat cable, to the pi camera ports on the top of the pi. The camera connection sits very loosely on the Pi 2, but on a new Pi 3, the connection is very firm. The camera is protected by a small plastic box, custom sized to fit the raspberry pi camera.