From charlesreid1


Wat is the strategy here?


Project for wireless - using an existing data set will come with its own (probably more difficult) challenges, but at least we'll be doing something interesting.

keep it simple, straightforward, educational


Project for widy - idea there is, first, to cater your project to your application. For right now, our application is basic networking - acting as a wireless AP for Raspberry Pis to connect to. Educational activities.

Once we have done that, we can move on to something more sophisticated - reverse ssh, tunneling, and building infiltration networks. Pen testing, but also educational activities.

Getting in.


network data

network data consists of connections, dns queries, port, etc.

objective is to introduce students to large data set, high-dimensional data, statistical models - the concept that you can use a mathematical model to model ANYTHING

empirical modeling - how to create a quantitative model, how to do basic statistical modeling

what we really need to do is, get the workflow nailed down, and create a "course" starting from Linux, on through network protocols, the high-level picture of the data

if we can get a preliminary statistical model built, then we have something to shepherd the students toward.

structure - ask, don't tell


short-term objective: networking, tunnels

long-term objective: listening, analyzing, vectors, aircraft carrier