Mind Machines
From charlesreid1
See https://github.com/rainbow-mind-machine
The mind machines are a set of libraries for creating bot flocks of all types.
What is a bot? Generally, a bot is an autonomous script that performs some kind of action via an API. For example, a twitter bot is an autonomous entity, an automated script that interacts with the twitterverse via tweets, favorites, retweets, and other actions.
What is a bot flock? In general a bot flock is a group of bots doing something en masse. For example, you might have a twitter bot flock where each bot tweets a poem by the same author - as with the Ginsberg Bot flock (https://pages.charlesreid1.com/b-ginsberg)
The boring mind machine provides base classes and authentication methods for a variety of services. Each mind machine library focuses on a particular service.
For example, rainbow mind machine is a library for creating twitter bot flocks. embarcadero mind machine is a library for creating github bot flocks. cheeseburger mind machine is a library for creating google drive bot flocks.