From charlesreid1

Use this blog to help get two clones of Octopress up and running:

Now the routine workflow on either one looks like this:

Let's do some stuff, like make a new post:

bundle exec rake new_post['This is a new post']

We'll edit some posts too. Now we want to turn all that markdown into blog pages. We do that by running generate:

bundle exec rake generate

Then we deploy all that static content to our live site:

bundle exec rake deploy

If we make changes to the site source code (i.e. the bundles, or the configuration, or whatever), then we would commit our changes to the source branch of our github (user) pages repository:

git add .
git commit -am "Commit changes to site source"
git push origin source

Once we're on the other machine, we will run

git pull

to pull all the changes. (Due to the layout of user pages, this will consist of the source branch, which contains the source code for generating the site's static content, as well as the master branch, which contains the live static content, in the _deploy directory, which is ignored by git because of its leading underscore. (Tricky...) That's how you can have two repositories, one living in the other - the underscore in front of the name allows git to automatically ignore it.