From charlesreid1


To find the smallest number with 2^n divisors:

Building a table with columns:

n, n^2, n^4, n^8, n^16, ...

Build a generator to generate these numbers dynamically.

  • List of primes from sieve.
  • List of queues or sub-generators, each accessing the list of primes and an internal counter

Ask the generator to populate up to MAX:

  • It will generate all primes up to MAX
  • It will decide the order in which to serve these up

How many primes up do we go for each column?

  • If the number we are considering is above p, then we want to include p in the queue of primes that will be served up.
  • If the number we are considering is above p^2, then we want to include p^2 in the queue of primes that will be served up.
  • etc...

Take the first element in the primes array, square it, and if we're above that, include it