From charlesreid1

Installing Pywikibot

I have the pywikibot software set up with two remotes: one official (Wikimedia gerrit), and one unofficial (my own git repo).

Link to pywikibot on Wikimedia Foundation's gerrit:

Link to pywikibot on

Wikimedia gerrit

Note the official pywikibot repo is also cloned on Github:

Start by checking it out:

$ git clone pywikibot
$ cd pywikibot

Install all the pip stuff that you may need:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Update git submodules:

$ git submodule update --init

Set up a family file

Before logging into a new wiki family, you need to create a family file for that wiki "family".

Use the script to do that:

$ python <url-of-wiki> <wiki-shortname>

For example,

$ python charlesreid1

This will generate a family file at pywikibot/families/ with the contents:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This family file was auto-generated by script.

Configuration parameters:
  url =
  name = charlesreid1

Please do not commit this to the Git repository!
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

from pywikibot import family
from import deprecated

class Family(family.Family):  # noqa: D101

    name = 'charlesreid1'
    langs = {
        'en': '',

    def scriptpath(self, code):
        return {
            'en': '/w',

    def version(self, code):
        return {
            'en': '1.30.0',

    def protocol(self, code):
        return {
            'en': 'https',

NOTE: The family file name MUST end with _family or it will not get picked up by the login script.

The first time you run the login action script, you will be asked to set up some details about the wiki family that you have selected:

$ py login
NOTE: '' was not found!
Please follow the prompts to create it:
You can abort at any time by pressing ctrl-c

Your default user directory is "/home/charles/codes/wiki/pywikibot"
 1: charlesreid1
 2: commons
 3: i18n
 4: incubator
Select family of sites we are working on, just enter the number or name (default: wikipedia): 1
The only known language: en
The language code of the site we're working on (default: en): en
Username on en:charlesreid1: Admin
Do you want to add any other projects? ([y]es, [N]o): n
'/home/charles/codes/wiki/pywikibot/' written.
Now, you have to re-execute the command to start your script.

Now run the login action script again, and you should be able to log into the wiki as your bot:

$ python login
Password for user Bleep bloop on charlesreid1:en (no characters will be shown):

Logging in to charlesreid1:en as Bleep bloop
WARNING: /Users/charles/codes/pywikibot/pywikibot/tools/ UserWarning: File /Users/charles/codes/pywikibot/pywikibot.lwp had 644 mode; converted to 600 mode.
Logged in on charlesreid1:en as Bleep bloop.

Link to pywikibot on

To push changes to the pywikibot on I set up the repo with another remote:

$ git remote add cmr
$ git push cmr master
