Reynolds Transport Theorem can be derived using some mathematical relations. The derivation yields an equation governing the balance of a given quantity in a given control volume.
Intensive vs. Extensive Properties
For any given amount of fluid, the fluid will have some properties associated with it
Extensive properties
- change with the mass of the fluid (e.g. concentration of species
Intensive properties
- are independent of the mass of the fluid (e.g. mass fraction of species
Material Volume vs. Control Volume
A material volume (denoted
, or more simply
) is a volume of fluid whose boundaries are defined such that there is zero flux of a specified extensive property
(the typical case is
, mass, so that
and there is zero flux of mass through the material volume's boundaries). The material volume is a function of time
, since the boundaries of the volume will change, with the fluid, in time. It is also a function of initial position
A control volume (denoted
) is a fixed and constant volume, whose location is fixed. It is not a function of time, only of location
(See illustrations below)
Fluid particle
A fluid particle is a particle, in the macroscopic (as opposed to the molecular) sense, that consists of a mass of fluid
This mass of fluid has some properties associated with it, an extensive property
and an intensive property
The volume of the fluid is a material volume
The boundaries of a material volume are such that there is zero flux of the property of interest
That is, for a given fluid particle, with an extensive property
, a material volume
is a volume whose boundaries move such that there is no flux of
across the boundaries
Derivative Frames of Reference
Frames of References
Illustration of the changes undergone by a single fluid particle

with extensive property

; the volume depicted is a material volume

such that the flux of

across the surface of the material volume is zero. The rate of change of a fluid property

within the material volume is equal to the substantial (material) derivative

To begin, the initial position of a fluid particle (not a particle in the molecular sense, but a particle in a macroscopic, continuum sense) may be written as a random variable
As specified above, a fluid particle volume containing some extensive property
is contained within a material volume
such that the flux of
across the boundaries of the material volume are zero. The material volume is a function of time.
The location of this particular fluid particle at a later time is determined, first, by its initial location
, and second, by the time that has passed,
For a volume with a fixed position

, referred to as a
control volume, multiple fluid particles, each with a different initial position

, pass through

at different times

. The rate of change, keeping

constant, of a fluid property

is the partial derivative

This later position can be written as
We will assume that, given a location
, we can backtrack and find the fluid particle's initial location
This means the function
is assumed to be invertible.
In other words, we assume we can find a function
that is continuous and single-valued (i.e. invertible).
The necessary and sufficient condition for invertability is for a non-vanishing Jacobian to exist:
Now, let's consider some extensive fluid property
. This property field evolves with the state of the fluid, and can be written one of two ways, each with a unique interpretation:
This way of writing
can be interpreted as follows: The value of the property
at the spatial/temporal location
is the value appropriate to the fluid particle located at
This way of writing
can be interpreted as: The value seen by the particle
at time
is the value of the property
at the position the particle occupies at that time
In keeping with these interpretations, two different temporal derivatives can be written.
Partial Derivative
The partial derivative is denoted by
The partial derivative is the derivative of
with respect to time, keeping
This derivative corresponds to the rate of change of
in a control volume (which is a fixed point in space; see nomenclature above)
Material Derivative
The material derivative is denoted by
The material derivative derivative of B with respect to time, keeping
This derivative corresponds to the rate of change of
in a material volume (which is a volume whose boundaries are moving with time such that the flux of
across the boundaries is zero)
Keep in mind that the material derivatives are not partial derivatives because
(the initial particle position) is a constant for a given fluid particle
Position and Velocity
For a material volume
, the material volume moves at some rate.
Let the position of the material volume be denoted
Then the velocity of the material volume
is denoted
The material derivative of the position of the fluid particle is the velocity:
In other words, holding
constant (that is, considering a material volume
with the initial position
), the rate of change of the fluid particle's current position
is the velocity of the material volume
Derivative Relationships
The two derivatives, partial and material, can be related.
First, to review what they mean:
Partial derivative
- rate of change of
for a fixed control volume
Material derivative
- the rate of change of
for a material volume
Next, the derivatives of
with respect to time can be equated at a particular spatial and temporal location, and the chain rule used, to get the relationship between these two derivatives:
This can be written conveniently as
The operator
can be expanded as:
Dilation and the Euler Expansion Formula
Changing coordinates from
is likely to cause a change in the volume of the fluid particle:
is the Jacobian.
The Jacobian is equal to:
This quantity is called the dilation.
The Jacobian is a matrix that looks like this:
which can be written compactly as:
or as:
is the Levi-Civita symbol (wikipedia:Levi-Civita symbol).
The initial volume of the fluid particle is
Motion is continuous, so the volume cannot break up.
Another way to state that is,
(required so that neither
vanish, and the mapping from
and vice-versa are continuous and smooth).
The natural question to ask is how the volume dilation changes with time - mathematically,
Aris Approach
First, the time derivative of the terms in the Jacobian matrix can be simplified:
where the second step is possible because
It was specified above that the velocity is a function of location,
. This can be plugged into the relation
, and the chain rule used, to yield:
which can be generalized to the result:
This expression gives a way to write the time derivative of the terms in the Jacobian matrix.
The derivative of the determinant of the Jacobian is the sum of three terms; each term is the Jacobian matrix, with only one row differentiated. Thus,
Using the identity derived above, it can be shown that in the derivative of the first row, only the terms with k=1 survive, since the coefficients of the other terms have a coefficient that is a determinant of a matrix with two rows the same.
For this reason, the determinant of the first matrix (in the expression for
above) has a value of
and the others have similar values. This makes the final value of the time-derivative of the Jacobian:
which can also be written,
This is also called the Euler Expansion Formula.<ref name="Aris">Aris, Rutherford (1962). "4". Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics. Prentice-Hall. </ref>
NOTE: For incompressible fluids, the fluid particle's volume will not change due to compression or dilution, so the Jacobian is zero (that is, the fluid particle volume is always equal to the initial fluid particle volume)
This means that, for a fluid particle,
Milhas Approach
From the compact form of the Jacobian, the time derivative can be written:
This can be expanded as:
and the term
can be expanded as
which makes the time derivative of the Jacobian:
The first term, expanded in all of its glory, is:
The second and third terms are zero, due to the definition of
. This makes the term substantially simpler:
Next, the second and third terms in the expression for
can be treated the same way, to get
, respectively, which leads to the final conclusion that
which is Euler's Expansion Formula.<ref>Milhaus, Dmitri and Barbara Milhaus (1984). Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics. Oxford University Press. </ref>
Euler's Expansion Formula for a Material Volume
The expression for Euler's expansion formula derived above can be written in a slightly more general way, for a material volume
, and an initial volume of
If we have a material volume
with a spatial location
and velocity
, then the Jacobian is defined as:
such that
and Euler's Expansion Formula can be written for that material volume as:
This result can now be used to obtain Reynolds Transport Theorem.
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