STL Files
From charlesreid1
STL (Stereo Litography) files are intended to represent three-dimensional shapes using information about the surface of a shape. STL files do not store any volumetric information. Surfaces are triangulated, and the triangles that compose a shape are described using Cartesian points.
Note that STL files do not know anything about scale - all measurements and distances are relative and may be scaled.
Viewing STL Files
FreeCAD binary files:
When you first open FreeCAD, you'll see this:
If you do a File > Open, you'll see lots of available file formats:
Note: shapefiles are not on the list, because shapefiles are a geographic information system (GIS) format for mapping. But with the shp2stl utility, you can turn your shapefiles into stl files and open them in FreeCAD.
Converting Shapefiles to STL Files
To convert Shapefiles (GIS-friendly format) to STL files (CAD-friendly format), see Shapefiles