From charlesreid1

Quick Guide to Startup Scripts

Three components are needed for a startup service:

  • Service script
  • Start script
  • Stop script

The service script will run the service via systemd, while the start/stop scripts are actually called by the service.

The start and stop scripts should be located somewhere easy to find, like ~/scripts.


Service Script

The service script runs as sudo, so keep that in mind if you run any scripts that use the home variable or require user credentials in a dotfile in the home folder.

Description=Uncle Archie CI Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo -H -u ubuntu /usr/bin/bash /home/ubuntu/uncle-archie/scripts/
uxecStop=/usr/bin/sudo pkill -f uncle_archie


Start Script

Example start script:

# To test-run:
#       sudo -H -u ubuntu ./
# To actually run:
#       (install archie.service startup service)
# Shell script used to start up uncle archie
# so uncle archie can run as a startup service.
# This is reliant on having pyenv set up already
# on beavo, the server that runs archie.


echo "Preparing python"
eval "$(${PYENV_BIN}/pyenv init -)"

echo "Changing directories"

echo "Installing virtualenv"
virtualenv vp
source vp/bin/activate

echo "Running Uncle Archie bare"
python ${ARCHIE_DIR}/ && tail -f /nev/null

Stop Script

Example stop script:

# This command actually goes straight into
# archie.service, don't use this script.

/usr/bin/sudo pkill -f uncle_archie
