From charlesreid1

Abstract data type for the Sets data type.

Public methods

The Set type must provide the following basic methods for manipulating the Set:

  • S.add(e) - add element e to set
  • S.discard(e) / S.discard(e) - (quietly) remove element e from set
  • e in S or S.contains(e) - returns true if container contains e
  • len(s) or S.size() - return the number of elements in the set
  • iter(S) or S.iterator() - returns an iterator over the set

These five methods will suffice to implement a large variety of other functions.

Removal methods

The following removal methods can be defined:

  • S.remove(e) - removes an element e from the set, raise exception if empty
  • S.pop() - removes an arbitrary element from the set, raise exception if empty
  • S.clear() - removes all elements from the set

Utility methods

Need to define some regular ol utility methods:

  • size
  • isEmpty

Set operations

Set Operations Involving Two Sets

Some set operations involving two sets:

  • equals - return true if two sets S and T have identical elements
  • less than or equal to - return true if S is subset of T
  • less than - return true if S is proper subset of T
  • greater than or equal to - return true if S is superset of T
  • greater than - return true if S is proper superset of T
  • isDisjoint - returns true if S and T have no common elements

Set Operations Involving Constructing New Sets

Operations involving constructing new sets from existing sets:

  • Union of S and T - returns all elements in either S or T or both
  • intersection of S and T - returns all elements in both S and T
  • Symmetric difference - returns all elements that are in S but not T, or T but not S
  • Remove all - remove all items from this set that are in the passed set
  • Retain all - retain only items from this set that are in the passed set
