From charlesreid1


The differential privacy network is a component in the tensorflow/models repository on Github.

Link to code:

The networks are based on two papers:

"Deep Learning with Differential Privacy" (October 2016)

Link to paper:

"Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data" (March 2017)

Link to paper:

This repository directory is quite messy, so I'm trying to clean it up a bit.

Directories and Components

The top level directory contains three directories:

  • dp_sgd - develops algorithmic techniques for learning and a refined analysis of privacy costs within the framework of differential privacy (implementation of Deep Learning with Differential Privacy paper)
  • multiple_teachers - creates student and teacher networks, transfer knowledge from teacher networks to student networks in a differentially private manner by noisily aggregating the teacher decisions before feeding them to students (implementation of Semi-Supervised Knowledge Transfer paper)
  • privacy_accountant - not sure yet...

dp_sgd subdirect

Directory is focused

This directory itself contains subdirectories:

  • dp_mnist
  • dp_optimizer
  • per_example_gradients

dp_sgd Prerequisites

Preparation steps, covered individually below:

  • Install TensorFlow (old version)
  • Install Bezel
  • Prepare slim version of MNIST dataset

Installing old version of Tensorflow:

$ virtualenv --system-site-packages tf
$ source tf/bin/activate
(tf)$ easy_install -U pip
(tf)$ pip install tensorflow==0.12.1

Installing Bezel: using 0.5.4 (used Homebrew to install...)

Preparing slim MNIST data set:

$ cd models/research/slim/

$ python --dataset_name=mnist --dataset_dir="${DATA_DIR}"

$ ls ${DATA_DIR}

dp_sgd Building

Build instructions do not work...

See issue 2605:
