From charlesreid1

File Uploading

To upload files, allowed extensions must be specified in LocalSettings.php, and permission must be given for the web server (i.e., MediaWiki) to create arbitrary directories to store uploaded files.

Step 1: Modify LocalSettings.php

Add the following lines to LocalSettings.php to allow uploads of specific extensions:

$wgFileExtensions = array('png','gif','jpg','jpeg','doc','xls','mpp','pdf','ppt','tiff','bmp','docx', 'xlsx', 'pptx','ps','odt','ods','odp','odg');

or this, to allow uploads of any extensions:

$wgStrictFileExtensions = false;

Step 2: Give Web Server Permissions

Uploaded files go to /www/w/images, so give the webserver (user/group www-data using Ubuntu's defaults) read/write/execute access to images:

sudo chown www-data:www-data images/

and permissions should be 755 rwxr-xr-x:

drwxr-xr-x  5 www-data www-data  images/

URL Rewriting

See this page for details:

Getting urls like working requires several steps:

Step 1: Modify LocalSettings.php

Near the top of LocalSettings.php, the variable $wgScriptPath is defined. Redefine it, along with the $wgArticlePath and $wgUsePathInfo variables:

$wgScriptPath = "/w";
$wgUsePathInfo = true;

which will properly reformat requests from /wiki/$1 to MediaWiki.

Step 2: Modify Apache Configuration File

Modify the Apache configuration file for a wiki VirtualHost as follows:

    Alias /wiki /www/w/index.php
    Alias /w /www/w
    <Directory "/www/w">
        # Enable the rewrite engine
        RewriteEngine On
        # Short url for wiki pages
        RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]

        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all