From charlesreid1


The Procedure

We'll start by upgrading the on-board software, and installing some tools of our own.

Install Software Packages

Once again we'll use opkg to install packages.

Wireless Toolz

Let's ugprade our wireless toolz.

$ opkg update
$ opkg install wireless-tools

Other Stuffs with opkg

There's lots of goodies in the opkg package lists, too. First, general-purpose utilities:

opkg install screen
opkg install wget
opkg install python
opkg install nmap
opkg install tcpdump
opkg install collectd

Now tools for wireless attacks:

opkg install aircrack-ng
opkg install kmod-tun # for airbase-ng to work
opkg install macchanger
opkg install mdk3
opkg install reaver
opkg install snort
opkg install wavemon

and yet more tools, some still unfamiliar:

opkg install kismet-server kismet-drone kismet-client
opkg install airpwn

Networking tools:

opkg install squid
opkg install ettercap

Installing Python Packages

Remember that OpenWrt is designed for tiny systems, so the Python installation is minimal - no pip. But you can still install python packages the old fashioned way:

python build
python install

Sharing Toolz and Scripts

You can use git to share tools and scripts, even if the Widy doesn't have an internet connection.

Start by installing git (you will need an internet connection to run this command):

$ opkg install git

Now we can use git to share our work across computers, which allows us to develop scripts on a laptop or desktop, then run them on the Widy.

To do this, you can create a git repository on the laptop or desktop, then clone a copy (over the local network) on the Widy.

Assuming your Widy has an IP of and your git repository is on a computer at, you can use this command to clone something over the local network:

$ git clone user@ 

This should ask you for a password, just like SSH (or not, if you have SSH keys).

This will add the remote address as "origin", which I like to rename.

Writing Python Toolz

For more info on scripting wireless stuff with Python, see Wireless/Python