From charlesreid1

Yargwid - Yet Another Repository on Github With Dotfiles

This is my repo with dotfiles for different computers. I use it to deploy dotfiles on different machines, to save those dotfiles, and to keep me from having to start from scratch every time I use a new machine.

Installing the Yargwid

You just check it out from github

git clone

Now you can edit the Makefile to include your machine and your machine's settings, or run make MachineName to run the Makefile, which will install dotfiles in the right locations for MachineName.

How the Yargwid Works (Dependencies)

Initially this used Python Fabric. This was an idiot mistake, but seemed like a great idea at the time because I had fabric installed on the machine where I was assembling Yargwid. Every other computer I used, though, had issues with Fabric - pip issues, internet connection issues, conflicting "fab" binaries, you name it. So I gave up on Fabric.

Now it's just Makefiles.

How the Yargwid is Structured

The Yargwid repo is set up to provide common settings, and machine-specific settings. The common settings and files are in common/ while the machine-specific settings for MachineName are in the MachineName/ directory.