2018/January/Rubiks Cube
From charlesreid1
Rubiks cube projects and progress, January 2018:
- Started rubiks notes repository: https://git.charlesreid1.com/notes/rubiks-notes
- Started repo for investigating order of permutations: https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/rubiks-cube-cycles
- Learning terminology/notation needed to solve this problem
blog post
Blog post plan:
Notes on how the Rubiks Cube works and how to represent it with a 96-tuple (hint at square redundancy)- Notes on permutation notation and factoring into pieces, with intention of writing cycles, LCM
blog post part 1
Link: https://charlesreid1.github.io/4x4-rubiks-cube-part-1-representation.html
Rubik's Cube: Part 1: Representation
- Introduction: purpose, group theory, experiments, uncover behavior
- How does the Rubik's Cube work - pieces, colors, and faces
- Computer representation of a Rubik's Cube
Tuple representation of a Rubik's Cube
blog post part 2
Link: https://charlesreid1.github.io/4x4-rubiks-cube-part-2-permutations.html
Rubik's Cube: Part 2: Permutations
Introduction: Study sequences and the permutations that resultHow do we represent a particular permutation? Start with n-tuple representation from prior postNow, when we rotate a piece, we can map the pieces involved in the rotationSequential application of transformations result in new tuple, unique to cube permutation
blog post part 3
Rubik's Cube Part 3: Cycles
- Introduction: studying behavior of cycles and predicting order of move sequence
- Intercalation product
- Factoring a permutation using Theorem A
- Factoring Rubik's Cube permutations
- Least common multiple and order
- Caveats