From charlesreid1
from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util import RFC1751 from Crypto import Random AES_MODE = AES.MODE_CBC def encrypt(text, key): text += '\0' * (16 - (len(text) % 16)) IV = crypto =, AES_MODE, IV=IV) return IV + crypto.encrypt(text) def decrypt(ciphertext, key): crypto =, AES_MODE, IV=ciphertext[:AES.block_size]) plain = crypto.decrypt(ciphertext[AES.block_size:]) return plain.rstrip('\0') if __name__ == '__main__': key = text = "This is a test" ciphertext = encrypt(text, key) print("Plaintext was '%s'" % decrypt(ciphertext, key)) print("Key was '%s'" % RFC1751.key_to_english(key))
Crypto cryptography-related resources on the wiki
Password Cracking: John the Ripper Constructing Wordlists: Kali/Wordlists and Metasploit/Wordlists Implementing AES Cipher in Python: AES
Category:Crypto · Category:Security · Category:Encryption
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