From charlesreid1

Ansible Galaxy is a web community for exchanging Ansible resources.




Nginx example

Let's look at the nginx example here:

The user sets default values for variables using the default YAML file defaults/main.yml

default variable values

The default variable values are set in defaults/main.yml.

The variables to be set by the user include:

  • User provides virtual hosts (sites available) either through the YAML file (if short and easy), or by hand (if virtual hosts list is empty)
  • Upstreams (if using nginx as a loadbalancer)
  • nginx user to use
  • worker processes, worker connections, multi accept
  • Error/access logs
  • Timeout times
  • Etc etc etc.

Some ways of customizing the nginx file from this YAML file:

  • nginx_extra_http_options - Extra lines to be inserted in the top-level http block in nginx.conf
  • nginx_extra_conf_options - Extra lines to be inserted in the top of nginx.conf

To override the names of the template files used, add the following to the default variables file:

nginx_conf_template: "nginx.conf.j2"
nginx_vhost_template: "vhost.j2"


The nginx config file (which uses the variables set in the defaults YAML file above) lives in the templates folder, in templates/nginx.conf.j2.

To override the names of the template files used, add the following to the default variables file:

nginx_conf_template: "nginx.conf.j2"
nginx_vhost_template: "vhost.j2"

To set it per virtual host, do something like this:

  - listen: "80 default_server"
    server_name: ""
    root: "/var/www/"
    index: "index.php index.html index.htm"
    template: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/"
  - server_name: ""
    root: "/var/www/"
    index: "index.php index.html index.htm"
    template: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/"

Example Playbook

- hosts: server
    - { role: geerlingguy.nginx }
