From charlesreid1
Topics and pages related to the Ansible hosts file
- Ansible/Groups - a page covering how to use the Ansible hosts file to collect servers into groups, useful for defining roles, tasks, and deployment environments
- Ansible/Group Variables - applying variables to an entire group
- Ansible/Host Naming - naming hosts, pets vs cattle, etc.
- Ansible/Hosts/Dynamic Inventory - example script for managing dynamic inventory, to avoid manually managing hosts
- Ansible/Splitting Hosts File - when the hosts file gets long and number of machines being managed gets large, you may need to split the hosts file into parts.
Ansible and AWS
- Ansible/Hosts/AWS - how to set up the Ansible hosts file when the hosts are managed by AWS
- Ansible/Hosts/Dynamic Inventory - example script for managing dynamic inventory
Basic Example
- Ansible/Nginx Playbook - an Ansible hosts file demonstrating a simple one-machine Nginx server
Advanced Example
- Ansible/Full Stack Playbook - an Ansible hosts file demonstrating a complex grouping strategy to organize the deployment of a full stack web application into 3 different environments