CSC 142/Chapter 3
From charlesreid1
Chapter 3: Parameters and Objects
3.1 Parameters
3.2 Methods returning values
3.3 Using objects
3.4 Projectile trajectory
Section 3.1: Parameters
- Parameter/parametric/parameterize
- Formal parameter
- Actual parameter
- Method signature
- method overloading
- Parameters = arguments (language)
- Form of abstraction
- What we are doing is generalizing a task
- Not just solving x2 + 4x + 2 = 0, solving ax2 + bx + c = 0
- Example code for parameterizing print statements
- How do you use/declare parameters in a class method?
- How not to declare parameters - not writeSpaces(int numLines)
- Parameters: data --> method
- Each method is defined to have its own scope, as denoted by
. So how to pass data through the scope?
- Scope means, all variables from outside the function are unknown
- Data is passed in as fresh
- Parameters are variables that are predefined in that fresh variable space
- Scope ties in with return values - once you do a calculation, how do you get the result out?
- Return values/return variables.
- Overloading methods: so that we can handle variations in the input data.
Section 3.2: Methods that Return Values
- Return
- Object
- class
Example of when you need to return a value: square root function
- Method syntax: how to declare a function's return type (void --> int/double/etc)
Real life example: Java Math (static class, static methods)
- Math constants E and PI
- Casting and math functions
- How to explore the Java API
- Just focus on Math, don't get overwhelmed
Math example:
- Carl Gauss, sum of first 100 integers
- Excellent example of how different ways of tackling problems (different algorithms) can lead to vast speedups
- Formula:
To program this formula:
public static int sum(int n) { return (n * (n+1)) / 2; }
How return statements work: value is returned where function call happens, so we need to assign the result of the function call to a variable.
Math example: Pythagorean theorem
- find the hypotenuse, given sides a and b
public static double hypotenuse( double a, double b ) { double c = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2) ); return c; }
How to debug, if this isn't working? Split calculation into more parts: csquared, c, etc.
Section 3.3: Using Objects
- Object
- Class
- Index
- Immutable object
- Exception
- Console input
- Constructor
- Token
- Whitespace
- Package
- Declaration
Primitive types and objects:
- String objects (and return values and mutability)
- Interactive programs and user input (scanner0
- Sample interactive program
This is where we focus on Strings
- Tokenization, strings, etc - that gets at arrays, which is Chapter 7.
String tokenization section for ciphers.
Metaphor: Why experimentation is necessary in programming.
- We talked about James Gosling.
- Does your brain work like his?
- Does your brain work like Java compiler?
- Nope! So we can't just think our way through problems
- Need to be improving our mental compiler, our mental model of what the code will do
- Iterative refinement
In-Class Worksheet
In-class worksheet: Caesar Cipher
- How Caesar cipher works
- Specifications: give them a main method, and call the cipher. They define the cipher method.
Handout for Caesar Cipher:
- Give them a hint on how to do the char shift
- Encourage playing around/experimentation
Section 3.4: Projectile Trajectory
Case study with complex example, covering:
- Input parameters
- methods that return values
- mathematical calculations
- scanner for user input
Basic projectile problem: given an initial velocity and angle, answer questions;
- Highest point, and the time for that point
- Time to ground
- Distance (horizontal distance) traveled
- Basically: x/y path lengths, and times
- Print usage/intro
- Print pretty table
- User input
- Get vel at t=0
- Get angle at t=0
- Get steps to display
- Prep calc
- For t in Nsteps
- Increment t
- Increment x
- Increment y
Chapter 3 Summary
Assessment Material
- Notation
- Purpose
- How they work
Return values:
- Notation
- Purpose
- How they work
- LOTS of definitions nad new concepts
- Use of String objects to understand these concepts
Projectile trajectory:
- Focusing on a complex application/program
Chapter 3 Code
Lecture Code
Quadratic equation solver
- Takes arguments a, b, c
- No return (two primitive values requires object)
- Will cover later
Sum of integers
- Sum of first n integers, ties in with Carl Freidrich Gauss, algorithmic thinking, pattern-finding
Pythagorean theorem
- hypotenuse
- let's recap what we have so far: we've solved a projectile gravity equation, solved a quadratic equation, summed up the first N integers, solved the Pythagorean theorem
- no limit to the kinds of mathematics we can implement
- very deep and profound connection between programming and mathematics
- Illustrate a few simple scope examples
Worksheet Code
Caesar cipher
- Char shift is the key here, getting them to think about how to implement modular arithmetic AND how to use that integer offset to shift chars
- Get them to link chars with integers
- Hint: try executing this Java code: "'a' + 5"
Chapter 3 Homework
HW Summary
(Recommended) Self-check problems: #3, #7, #9, #13, #14, #20, #26
(Required) Exercises: #1, #6, #16, #19
(Required) Projects: (none)
HW Details
- 3 - spotting mistakes
- 7, 9 - mystery program
- 13 - math operations
- 14 - mystery return
- 20 - string method calls
- 26 - get a phrase from user and repeat phrase
- 1 - print formatting digits
- 6 - function find larger of abs of 2 numbers
- 16 - triangle area using Heron's formula
- 19 - reverse string
Chapter 3 Goodies
Puzzle 3
Puzzles/Fall 2016/Puzzle 3: Et three, brute? (Caesar cipher cryptograms with no spaces (frequency or brute force)
Carl Freidrich Gauss
- Adding up the sum of all integers from 1-100
- Add up 100 numbers: pair off, and get 101 each time. 100 and 1, 99 and 2, etc. Then 100*101/2 = 10100/2 = 5050
- First approach: don't manage the complexity, just dive in and have at it
- Gauss: found an alternative pattern
- By adding last and first, then second last and second first, and so on, got same number for each
- Utilizing this turned a sum problem into a multiplication problem
- Lesson: by changing your pattern of thinking/problem solving, can open up new, better, faster approaches
Julius Caesar
- History lesson: why important
- Sometimes, connecting seemingly unconnected topics can lead to sudden insights
- Need for security, military applications of cryptography
- Back to the definition of programming: "turning a task that requires repeated computation into something that a machine can execute"
- Computation is as old as civilization itself
CSC 142 - Intro to Programming I Computer Science 142 - Intro to Programming I, South Seattle College.
Chapter 1: Intro to Java CSC 142/Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Primitive Data and Definite Loops CSC 142/Chapter 2 Chapter 3: Parameters and Objects CSC 142/Chapter 3 Chapter 4: Conditional Execution CSC 142/Chapter 4 Chapter 5: Program Logic and Indefinite Loops CSC 142/Chapter 5 Chapter 6: File Processing CSC 142/Chapter 6 Chapter 7: Arrays CSC 142/Chapter 7 Chapter 8: Classes CSC 142/Chapter 8
Puzzles: Puzzles
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