CSC 142/Chapter 4
From charlesreid1
- 1 Chapter 4: Conditional Execution
- 2 Flags
Chapter 4: Conditional Execution
4.1 If/else statements
4.2 Cumulative algorithms
4.3 Text processing
4.4 Methods with conditional execution
4.5 Case study: BMI
Last chapter: solving complex programming problems with repeated tasks using for loops, flexibility via class constants, and user input.
This chapter: conditional execution. Expand our understanding of common programming situations. With new topics, revisit old material.
Section 4.1: If Else
- Logic statements for if/else
- Operators and operator precedence
- Equality stuff - objects and == and equals()
- Refactoring methods with logic
- and/or operators
Conditional logic
- Sometimes, but not always, we want to execute particular lines of code.
- Can use if/else structure to branch execution
- Relational operators: different kind of operations
- Up until now, have been doing operations on numbers to obtain new numbers
- Example, 12*2, assign to new variable int a = 12*2
- No true/false nature, it is always true because we're creating a definition, we're defining a new rule
- Now, we'll be using equals in a different sense
"Does a equal 24?" vs. "a is equal to 24"
if( a == 24 )
vs. int a = 24;
Can introduce other comparison operators:
- Equals
- Not equals
- Less than/greater than
- Less than or equal to/greater than or equal to
Revisit operator precedence:
- Unary operators
- Multiplication operators
- Additive operators
- Relational operators
- Equality operators
- Assignment operators
Nested if/else:
- Patterns for designing logic structures
- If red/if blue/if green: can combine into structure, because only one can be true
- if/else
Nested, only one is true:
if( condition1 ) { ... } else if( condition2 ) { ... } else if( condition3 ) { ... }
Multiple conditions can be true:
if( condition1 ) { ... } if( condition2 ) { ... } if( condition3 ) { ... }
Corresponding diagram representations: (see book)
Finding the pattern:
- Analyzing the problem helps determine what kind of control structure you need
- Combination of branches doesn't matter: if statements
- Only one, or none, of branches should be taken: if/else if/else if
- Only one, and exactly one, branch should be taken: if/else if/else if/else
Weird equality stuff:
- For strings and other objects, == doesn't work great
- This is shorthand for a GENERAL concept, which is, EQUALS
- Two numbers: 5 and 5. I know how to check if they're equal. Equality is defined rigorously, based on the way the real numbers are defined.
- Two lamps: A and B. Are these two lamps equal?
- Equal in light? Equal in how much power they draw?
- Equal in appearance? Independent of function? (Wax lamp)
- Equal in the cosmic sense? Composed of the exact same atoms? What about a perfect atom-by-atom reproduction?
- Equality is something we have to define
Objects and equality:
- Always use obj1.equals(obj2), not == (equals() is the more general)
Refactoring/modularizing if/else code:
- if A: do a bunch of stuff; if B: do a bunch of stuff; if C: do a bunch of stuff
- rewrite, define an action X, so then it becomes def X do a bunch of stuff; if A do X; if B do X; if C do X
Multiple conditions for if/else:
- AND operator (if a number is between A and B, that can be expressed as the combination of 2 conditions: number > A, number < B)
- OR operator (A, or B, or both)
Life Skills
Java debugger - makes understanding conditional logic a whole lot easier, if you can step through a nested set of conditionals.
Section 4.2: Cumulative Algorithms
- Cumulative algorithm
- Roundoff error
Connect loops with algorithms:
- Finding average, finding sum, finding min/max
Min and max:
- Exploring a "simple" idea like taking the maximum can be tricky to implement
- Let's say we're looking at surface temperature of a planet
- All negative numbers; if you initialize your minimum to 0, you'll get a minimum of 0 - incorrect
- To set a maximum: should start with data
Example: hailstone sequence
- pick a starting number
- If odd, e.g., do 3x+1, and if even, e.g., do (x/2)
- Start with an initial minimum/maximum guess
- Go through sequence, N steps, calculate a minimum and maximum
Example: cumulative sum with if
- if statement to check for valid input values
- if statement to count number of negative numbers
- user input (N steps), user input (numbers)
Roundoff error:
- Checking equality is tricky due to roundoff error
- Comes up around cumulative algorithms
- Example: 2.77500000000000005
- Float roundoff errors
- Truncate a number at a certain decimal place
- Replicating digits lopped off
- Why, if 2.1 and 3.8, no repeating decimals, would Java turn them into repeating decimals?
- Due to internal Java representation: representing decimal numbers as powers of 2, not powers of 10
- Simple example: add 0.1 (can't be represented exactly because base 2)
Checking equality:
- Use tolerance
abs(A-B) < 0.01
Section 4.3: Text Processing
- Text processing
Char type:
- comes from C language
- strings composed of chars
- charAt() method
Chars and ints: primitive types
- have already seen (with Caesar cipher) that we can treat chars like numbers, operate on them, increment them
Cumulative text algorithm
- Count # characters occurring in string
- Cumulative concatenation
- More control over print format
digit, f for float, etc.- Table of common print formats
%d %8d %-6d %f %.2f %16.2f %s %8s %-9s
Section 4.4: Conditional Execution with Methods
- Precondition
- Postcondition
Basically, this section addresses: how do we ensure certain conditions are met before/after we run a method?
- Occur at runtime, not compile time
- Previously, saw exceptions with scanner (nextInt(), not an int)
Assessment questions:
When would you see an exception?
- Run time
- Compile time
When would you see a logic error?
- Run time
- Compile time
When would you see a syntax error?
- Run time
- Compile time
Functions (analogy):
- Factorial function: can compute 0!, 1!, 2!, etc
- Cannot ocmpute negative factorial, so return undefined
- Mathematical approach: exceptions are definitions, rules that they can define
- Tell the user how to use it
Creating exceptions:
- exceptions are objects
- Pieces of grouped data/instructions
- Need to create new exceptions before we can throw them
- When we throw an exception, it stops the code
- We also want to add comments! and a useful exception message!
Similar concept (language): assertions
- C and C++, Python, assert(True)
Revisiting return values: example
- New application of conditional logic to comparison operators:
- Example of overloading (int and float)
- If statement for ints, etc.
- more templating: again, comes down to understanding what kind of control structure you need
def method() { if( x > y) { return x } return y }
Revisiting return values: another example
- String: find particular index of particular character
- built-in String method, indeOf
- r = s.indexOf('r')
- make our own static method: myIndexOf
- called like, r = myIndexOf('r',s)
- How to locate a character in a string?
- Can loop through each char of string (i in str length)
- Then, can use charAt to see if this char is our char
- Note on why not static method:
- static method doesn't remember our place
- if we wanted to say, "find the next r," we'd have to pick up where we left off
- that means, saving a piece of data, which means, we can't use static method
- Implement return method
- return our char index
- else, what to do if char not found?
- convention: return -1 (or, 999,999)
- Scope:
- allows us to say, when we get to return, we can drop everything and leave, everything will be cleaned up
String index and bounds:
- index of string of N characters: starts at 0, runs to N-1
- If we access a string at index N, Java will raise an exception
- Exception won't happen until runtime - that's when Java will know string length, and will know string is not long enough
Following logical branches:
- Example of program with nested if/else if/else if
- if you have a return type defined in the method header (e.g., string), that means you have to have a return statement, no matter what, for all cases (or, throw an exception)
- Can eliminate some code if we assume we know the SAT score is in the range 600-2400
- Assuming is BAD!!!
if(totalSAT<600 || totalSAT > 2400 ) { raise IllegalArgumentException } else { ... }
Section 4.5: BMI Study
- Cohesion
- Coupling
- Chaining
- Calculation based on input values (weight, height)
- Iterative enhancement: one thing at a time
- Compute results for one person (no structure)
- Write program for 2 people (no structure)
- Finally, assemble well-structured program
One person unstructured:
- height and wieght, read in
- Calulate BMI from that
- One line at a time, get x, print x, get y, print y, calc z, print z
- use printf
- use conditional to classify weight status
- again, one line after another
Two person unstructured:
- to handle a second person, eneed to prompt for both people's data, then do calcs, then print results all at onc
- New structure:
- chunk of code for intro
- chunk of code for person 1
- chunk of code for person 2
- print person 1
- print person 2
Nowmove on to a more structured solution:
- giveIntro
- bm1 = getbmi()
- bm2 =getbmi()
- reportresults(bm1,bm2)
Heuristics: 1. Each method should have a coherent set of responsibilities 2. No one method should do too large a share of the overall task 3. Coupling and dependencies between methods should be minimized 4. The main method should be a concise summary of the overall program 5. Data should be owned at the lowest possible level (abstract away detail and complexity)
Murphy's Law:
- If the user can do something wrong, they will do something wrong
Hanscombe's Law:
- Never attribute to malice what is equally attributable to stupidity
Chapter 4: Summary
- Syntax
- Following execution-branching
- Relational operators and true/false conditions
- Revisiting operator precedence/evaluation order
- Patterns for designing nested if/else structures, depending on how many conditions may apply
- Box diagram representation
- String equality
- Reducing complexity: reuse code for nested if statements
Cumulative algorithms:
- Connecting loops with algorithms
- Roundoff error - source, how to deal (equality)
Text processing:
- Chars and strings
- Chars and ints
- printf
Conditional execution with methods
- When you use this
- Mathematics analogy - definitions, we define our own rules, define how things work and when
- Documentation - have to tell the user how to use it
- Exceptions - have to deal with potential problems, both internally and from users
- In-class example to revisit return values, example of overloading, if statements
- More templating - comes down to understanding what kind of control structure you need
- Static methods
- String index and bounds, possible string bounds exceptions
- Following logical branches
- How to eliminate code with exceptions/assertions
Heuristics: 1. Each method should have coherent set of responsibilities 2. No one method should do too large a share of the overall task 3. Coupling and dependencies between methods should be minimized 4. The main method should be a concise summary of the overall program 5. Data should be owned at the lowest possible level (abstract away detail and complexity)
1. Each method should have a coherent set of responsibilities
2. No one method should do too large a share of the overall task
3. Coupling and dependencies between methods should be minimized
4. The main method should be a concise summary of the overall program
5. Data should be owned at the lowest possible level (abstract away detail and complexity)
Chapter 4 Code
Lecture Code
Hailstone sequence
- odd/even integer sequence
- map for loop (1 to N) onto hailstone sequence using formula
- if/else to check for odd/even
- uses static methods
Coin paradox
- sequences and subsequences
Worksheet Code
Section 4.3: Using (and Cracking) the Caesar Cipher
- Automate cracking the Caesar cipher
- Last time: learned how to manipulate chars using integers
- This time: we want to automate cracking the Caesar cipher
- Strategies? Can look at letter frequencies
- Table of letter frequenceis in English language
- We are going to calculate letter frequencies in the ciphertext, and keep track of which letter is most frequent
- Use this to suggest/pick a "most likely" substitution and see if it works
- Looping through string once for each letter.
Chapter 4 Homework
HW Summary
(Recommended) Self-check problems: #1, #5, #6, #12, #19, #21, #28
(Required) Exercises: #1, #5, #9,
(Required) Projects: #6 (poss. modification to CC numbers)
HW Details
- 1 - translating english into boolean expressions
- 5, 6 - if/else mystery
- 12 - improving poorly structured code to avoid redundancy
- 19 - comparing floats
- 21 - check if string starts with capital
- 28 - add exceptions to quadratic equation code
- 1 - fractionSum() method
- 5 - custom pow() method
- 9 - prompt for integers, sum even no.s, largest even no. typed
- 6 - check digit (7th digit is checksum of first 6)
Chapter 4 Goodies
Puzzle 4
Puzzles/Fall 2016/Puzzle 4: (Affine cipher, modular arithmetic, gcd, Euclid's algorithm)
Laws and Razors
Murphy's Law: If the user can' do something wrong, they will do something wrong
Occam's Razor: A hypothesis should not be any more complicated than is necessary. (Or: Simple hypotheses are the most plausible.)
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice what is equally attributable to stupidity.
CSC 142 - Intro to Programming I Computer Science 142 - Intro to Programming I, South Seattle College.
Chapter 1: Intro to Java CSC 142/Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Primitive Data and Definite Loops CSC 142/Chapter 2 Chapter 3: Parameters and Objects CSC 142/Chapter 3 Chapter 4: Conditional Execution CSC 142/Chapter 4 Chapter 5: Program Logic and Indefinite Loops CSC 142/Chapter 5 Chapter 6: File Processing CSC 142/Chapter 6 Chapter 7: Arrays CSC 142/Chapter 7 Chapter 8: Classes CSC 142/Chapter 8
Puzzles: Puzzles
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