From charlesreid1
The Dockerfile is where you define the commands that populate your docker container.
Crafting Dockerfiles
The Philosophy
The idea is to have easy to start and easy to stop services that are stateless, and don't "expect" stuff. (Not sure I understand that exactly, but okay.)
Web app stack example: LAMP would implement Apache as one container, MySQL as another, and PHP as another (well, maybe A+P as one.)
Maybe one container for a cache, too.
Keep em clean, keep em modular.
Copy command
Copy command allows you to copy stuff from local host system into the docker image.
Add command works too, but copy less complicated.
Finding Dockerfile examples
The dockerfiles used to create various docker images are usually available with the image itself and are usually quite simple. That's the idea, anyway.
For example, here's an uncomplicated Dockerfile for an Stunnel docker container from [1]:
FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install stunnel CMD ["stunnel"]
To build custom versions, this dockerfile [2] might be better:
# stunnel Server # # VERSION 0.0.1 # Building from Ubuntu Precise FROM ubuntu:precise MAINTAINER Courtney Couch, RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get upgrade -y RUN apt-get -y install build-essential wget RUN apt-get -y install openssl libssl-dev ENV STUNNEL_VERSION 4.56 RUN wget -O -$STUNNEL_VERSION.tar.gz | tar -C /usr/local/src -zxv RUN mkdir -p /stunnel VOLUME ["/stunnel"] ADD stunnel.conf /stunnel/stunnel.conf ADD stunnel.pem /stunnel/stunnel.pem # Build stunnel RUN cd /usr/local/src/stunnel-$STUNNEL_VERSION && ./configure && make && make install EXPOSE 443 CMD ["/usr/local/bin/stunnel", "/stunnel/stunnel.conf"]
Building Containers with Dockerfiles
Use the docker build command. Specify the name of the image with -t and specify the location of the Dockerfile. Here is an example, checking out a tiny repo with a single dockerfile:
$ mkdir ~/docker $ cd ~/docker $ git clone $ cd d-stunnel
Now that we are all ready:
$ docker build -t cmr_stunnel .
This creates an stunnel container ready to go in docker, which can be seen by running docker images
$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE cmr_stunnel latest 2b197f506e02 59 seconds ago 219 MB
docker notes on the virtual microservice container platform
Installing the docker platform: Docker/Installing Docker Hello World: Docker/Hello World
Creating Docker Containers: Getting docker containers from docker hub: Docker/Dockerhub Creating docker containers with dockerfiles: Docker/Dockerfiles Managing Dockerfiles using git: Docker/Dockerfiles/Git Setting up Python virtualenv in container: Docker/Virtualenv
Running docker containers: Docker/Basics Dealing with volumes in Docker images: Docker/Volumes Removing Docker images: Docker/Removing Images Rsync Docker Container: Docker/Rsync
Networking with Docker Containers:
docker pods pods are groups of docker containers that travel together
Docker pods are collections of Docker containers that are intended to run in concert for various applications.
Wireless Sensor Data Acquisition Pod The wireless sensor data acquisition pod deploys containers This pod uses the following technologies: Stunnel · Rsync · Apache · MongoDB · Python · Jupyter (numerical Python stack)
Deep Learning Pod This pod utilizes the following technologies: Python · Sklearn · Jupyter (numerical Python stack) · Keras · TensorFlow