Fuel/Custom Datasets
From charlesreid1
Wrapping Custom Datasets with Fuel
- Define a fuel dataset (basically a stub class)
- Define a fuel downloader (a way of obtaining the data - could be locally available, since you already have it)
- Define a fuel converter (something that will iterate through the data and add it to an HDF5 file, similar to above code snippet)
Once you've defined those, you can run through the procedure of bringing your data set into fuel:
- Run
fuel-download <name-of-dataset>
to download the data - Run
fuel-convert <name-of-dataset>
to convert the data into fuel format
Now you'll be able to do a simple import to get your data into your Python code (may take a while):
from fuel.datasets import MNIST mnist_train = MNIST(("train",)) mnist_test = MNIST(("test",))
Repo by github user dribnet illustrates how to wrap a new dataset using Fuel: https://github.com/dribnet/lfw_fuel
- Only takes one command to download the data and import it into fuel
- Then it only takes one command to import the library that wraps the data, and be able to turn it into training/testing X and Y
- One-size-fits-all; importing data using load_data() can take a REALLY long time, and must be done every time you run the script (not persistent in memory)
- Complicated to extend
- Removes some of the nicer options of fuel
Here is what the final payoff looks like:
from keras.models import Sequential from lfw_fuel import lfw # the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = lfw.load_data(format="deepfunneled") # (build the perfect model here) model.fit(X_train, Y_train, show_accuracy=True, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test)) score = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, show_accuracy=True, verbose=0)
fuel fuel is a package for automatic loading of data for machine learning and neural networks
Basic usage and Fuel classes: Fuel/Usage Loading custom datasets with fuel: Fuel/Custom Datasets
Category:Fuel · Category:Data Engineering