From charlesreid1


Fuel is a library for creating machine learning data pipelines. There are multiple features that make it really convenient.

Find fuel on Github here:

Overview of how it works:


Fuel uses HDF5, so you will need a copy of HDF5 header files installed locally. Use your package manager, or follow HDF5 installation instructions. On a Mac:

$ brew install hdf5

Now you can install Fuel.

Install Fuel from Source

$ git clone
$ cd fuel
$ python build 
$ python install

Basic Usage


  • Datasets are the principal interface to data, but are abstract classes
  • IterableDatasets (less powerful) allow sequential access to data in specified order only
  • IndexableDatasets (more powerful) allow random access to data
  • Schemes allow iterating through IndexablelDatasets in various orders (batch, sequential, shuffle, etc.)

Wrapping Custom Datasets with Fuel

Basically, the process of wrapping a custom data set with fuel looks like this:

  • Specify how the original data should be downloaded, processed, and turned into a fuel data set
  • Specify how the fuel data set should be loaded

The first step - defining how to turn original data into fuel data:

  • Create a download wrapper - this tells fuel how to download the original data ("briq" download?)
  • Define a way to load a single piece of data (e.g., parameterized by name) and, optionally, paired/related pieces of data (e.g., two related images)
  • Convert function to extract all data and assemble it all into an HDF5 file (and remove original data when finished)

The second step - specifying how the fuel data set should be loaded:

  • Create a fuel Datasets object (inheriting from, e.g., H5PYDataset)
  • Define a way for that data to be loaded (example: make a universally-available load_data method in a package specific to your data set, as in lfw_fuel)
