General/Chapter 6 Study Guide
From charlesreid1
Chapter 6: Digital Modes
Section 6.1: Intro to Digital Modes
Where to find digital:
- digital modes restricted to CW/data band allocation
- Calling frequencies are at lowest end, move up with activity
- On 20 m: PSK31 at 14.070 MHz, RTTY and other modes above that
- Table: Bands vs Frequency Ranges
- For the exam:
- 20 m segment for digital:
- 14.070 - 14.100 MHz
- 20 m segment for PSK31: below RTTY segment, near 14.070 MHz
- 80 m segment for digital: 3.570 - 3.600 MHz
- 40 m segment for digital: 7.070 - 7.125 MHz
- 20 m segment for digital:
- Digital modes regulated as voice emissions by FCC
- Maximum bandwidth and data rates set by FCC to limit signal bandwidth
- Digital codes must be publicly specified and must comply with bandwidth/signal rate restrictions
- Rules may change to be based on bandwidth
Digital modes:
- RTTY - popular, mechanical teleprinters
- PSK31 - narrow bandwidth, weak signal, cheap hardware
- PACTOR - packet teletype over radio, improvement on RTTY, data transmitted as packets, PACTOR is proprietary mode
- Packet radio - common on VHF/UHF, not as common on HF due to higher error rates/sensitivity to noise
- Miscellaneous other modes:
Section 6.1: Summary
- 20 m band segment used for digital modes is 14.070 - 14.100
- The band segment on 80 m used for digital modes is 3.570 - 3.600 MHz
- The 20 m segment with PSK31 operations is below RTTY, around 14.070 MHz
- The communication system that sometimes uses the internet to transfer messages is WINLINK
- The digital mode that is designed to operate at extremely low signal levels is JT9 and JT65
Section 6.2: Digital Basics
- Air link - the part of the communication system involving RX/TX of radio signals
- Bit - 0 and 1, fundamental unit of data
- Bit rate - number of bits per second sent between 2 computers
- Baud - number of symbols per second
- Duty cycle - ratio of time spent transmitting to total time on/offline
- Protocol - rules controlling the data exchange method
- Mode - combination of protocol and modulation method
- Modem - translates bits into tones and back again
Bit rate vs baud rate:
- Modern modems can use complex audio signals to encode multiple pieces of information into single character
- As more information is packed into characters, the bit rate becomes faster than the baud rate
- Digital mode combines protocol (how information and characters are encoded) with modulation method
- OOK = on/off keying
- FSK = frequency shift keying
- PSK = phase shift keying
- I/Q = 2 phase-shifted AM signals
Frequency shift keying FSK:
- Bits of data encoded as tones; tone frequencies are represented by different bits
- Two-tone FSK signal: "mark" and "space"
- True, direct FSK: digital data controls VFO
- AFSK = audio frequency shift keying - convenient, uses mic/SSB, but prone to distortion
- More symbols means more frequencies means more time to differentiate between signals
Phase shift keying PSK:
- data is encoded as phase relationship between tones
- Rapid changes in phase sound like buzzing
Section 6.2: Summary
- An FSK signal is generated by changing an oscillator's frequency directly with a digital control signal
- The two separate FSK frequencies are identified by "mark" and "space"
Section 6.3: Character Based Modes
- RTTY - oldest, most popular, narrow band
- RTTY uses baudot code - 5 bits per character
- Stop/start bits to sync transmission
- 5 bits = 2^5 = 32 characters
- Letters and figures codes to get 62+2 characters
- Standard mark/space frequencies are 2125 Hz (mark), 2295 Hz (space)
- Difference between mark and space tones is called shift
- HF, most common speeds are 60, 75, 100 WPM corresponding to 45, 56, 75 baud
- Most conversations on HF are 45 baud, most common shift is 170 Hz
- MFSK - multiple-frequency shift keying, uses more than two tones to encode data
- MFSK16 - uses 16 separate tones, all 15.625 Hz apart
- This allows entire signal to be received with a 500 Hz CW filter
- Thru signal shaping and tone control, can sustain contacts through fading and distortion better than two-tone signals
- DominoEX - modification of MFSK, uses differences betweeen successive tones
- Less sensitive to tuning error sand drift
- Data rates go from 4 baud to 21.5 baud, bandwidths up to 524 Hz
- wider bandwidth MFSK mode, 125-1000 Hz bandwidth, variable number of tones
- Uses forward error correction, can be used at low signal levels
- MT63: Multi-tone, data has 64 tones, advanced DSP techniques allow it to perform well under noisy conditions
- PSK31: Phase shift keying, 31 is the symbol rate (31.25 baud)
- Variable-length character codes (like Morse code)
- PSK63 at 63.5 baud also popular
- Very narrow bandwidth, so usually close to calling frequency
- PSK31 sends single tone, reversals of phase sent at regular intervals
- Reversal = 0, no reversal = 1
- 1 symbol = 2 transmission intervals
Section 6.3: Summary
- Most common frequency shift for RTTY is 170 Hz
- In a single PSk31 character, the number of bits used is variable
- Baudot code is a 5-bit code with additional start/stop bits
- For PSK 31, capital letters and punctuation take more time/more bits than lowercase
- In PSK31, the 31 represents the approx. transmitted symbol rate
- To send characters with a PSK31 signal, use varicode
Section 6.4: Packet-Based Modes
- Packet refers to transmission of data in structured groups
- Common structure:
- Header - bit patterns allowing receiver to sync with packet structure, control and routing information
- Data - data to be exchanged, usually ASCII, often compressed
- Trailer - additional control/status information, error detection
- Packets from one protocol can be used as data for another
- Error detection provides reliable transport
- Checksum is weaker version of error detection
- CRC cyclic redundancy check is stronger error detection
- ACK message - message contents match
- If NACK message, re-send data until it is received
- ARQ - automatic repeat request
- ARQ - broadcast mode, monitor mode
- VHF/UHF exclusively, based on X.25, AX.25 packets exchanged using VHF FM phone at 1200 or 9600 baud
- HF: easily corrupted data, b/c of fading, even at loewr 300 baud rate
- RTTY: no check for transmission errors
- TOR - teletype over radio
- PACTOR - packet based TOR
- WINMOR - Windows TOR
- Apply microprocessors to TOR
- PACTOR 1 - FSK modulation
- Pactor 2/3/4 - PSK modulation
- TOR modes employ error detection and ARQ protocols
- Most popular on HF to exchange large amounts of information
- HF data:
- Winlink ham radio email system accessed via these TOR modes
Section 6.4 Summary
- A PACTOR modem/controller can determine if a channel is in use by putting modem/controller into monitor mode
- Joining a contact between 2 stations using PACTOR protocol is not possible (limited to 2 stations)
- The part of the data packet that contains routing and header information is the header
- In PACTOR protocol, NACK packet means receiver requests packet be retransmitted
- A receiving station responds to an ARQ data mode packet with errors by requesting retransmission of packet
- Forward error correction allows receivers to correct errors by transmitting redundant information with the data
Section 6.5: Receiving/Transmitting Digital Modes
- Most digital modes are LSB
- JT65 and JT9 are USB
- Receivers must have match between LSB or USB, baud rates, and correct tone frequencies
- FCC rules define digital mode bandwidth the same as other signals:
- 26 dB below mean power
- As baud rate increases, bandwidth increases
- Most common protocols offer multiple rates that can be adjusted for conditions
- Common mode bandwidths: 50 Hz (PSK31) to 2.3 kHz (PACTOR 4)
- Stay in the band: using LSB with frequency modulation signal will go below edge of band
- SSB: duty cycle 20-25%
- Baudot: duty cycle 100%
- PSK31: duty cycle 100%
- ARQ modes: less, but still 50%
- If operating high-duty-cycle mode, turn down transmit power to keep from cooking your amp (50% of max. power)
Signal quality:
- For AFSK, most common problem is too much, too little audio
- Mic input may be overdriven, causing splatter
- Some radios have direct digital input
- Waterfall display will show splatter as strong sidelobe signals
- distorted waveforms harder to detect by self
ALC and digital modes:
- ALC - automatic level control, prevents excessive drive to transmitter, works inside of amplifier to protect amplifiers
- ALC can interface with digital modes
- ALC can make signal harder to decode (like overmodulation0
- disable ALC system, or turn mic gain down to where ALC will not activate
- Monitor ALC action on same transciever meter that monitors power output and SWR
Section 6.5: Summary
- When sending RTTY via AFSK with SSB transmitter, the usual mode to use is LSB (RTTY = LSB)
- Most digital modes on HF are LSB signals, except JT65 and JT9
- The usual sideband to use for JT65 and JT9 signals using AFSK is USB
- One or more vertical lines adjacent to PSK31 signals (on waterfall) indicate overmodulation
- If a transceiver's ALC system is not set properly when transmitting AFSK signal in SSB mode, the ALC will distort the signal and cause spurious emissions
- Approximate bandwidth of PACTOR 3 signal is 2.3 kHz
- Important to know the duty cycle of a digital mode because some high-duty cycles can exceed a transmitter's average power rating
- The relationship between transmitted symbol rate and bandwidth is, higher symbol rates require more bandwidth
Section 6.6: Operating Procedures
- Listen first!
- Protocol for calling CQ follows CW and RTTY:
- If signals are clear, fewer repeats; if weak, more repeats
- Follow CW for ending contacts, too: K = end transmission, SK = signing off
- PACTOR/WINMOR - have specific disconnect message or command (BYE /D)
- Unmanned gateway and mailbox stations monitor a frequency and wait to be contacted
- FCC classification: automatically-controlled digital stations
- Automatically-controlled stations only allowed to use RTTY and data modes below 220 MHz (1.25 meters) in specific band segments
Table: Band vs. Automatic Control Frequency Range
Exam question:
- Automatically controlled stations may communicate with other automatically controlled stations anywhere on 1.25 m and shorter wavelengths (higher freq.)
- Auto controlled stations communicating with other auto controlled stations on specified segments for 80 m - 2 m
- In order to contact an automatically controlled station outside those allocations (80 m - 2 m), if you are operating under FCC rules, you must contact the station from a station under local or remote control
- To connect, depends on mode or equipment, but usually send CONNECT message, then send training sequenc to determine protocol/type
- Once a connection is established, data can be exchanged
During contact:
- Waterfall display, shows signals
- Tuning aids for RTTY signals: one shows waveform with mark/space frequencies
- Another shows constellation/crossed ellipse display
- Ellipses should be same size and be perpendicular, indicates signal is tuned
Third party traffic:
- Same rules apply
- All info: email, digital images, web pages
- For this reason, internet access through gateways must be very limited
Interfering signals:
- Hidden transmitter problem: if you are in a skip zone for a transceiver, you will not hear them but they will hear you
- RTTY/PSK31 - tolerate interference fairly well
- PACTOR/WINMOR - effect of interference
- Try to automatically recover data
- In presence of interference, they will:
- Fail to connect (connect request not decoded by receiver)
- Frequent retries/transmission delays (error being introduced)
- Timeouts/dropped connections (number of requested retransmissions will cause drop)
- Listen to channel or watch operating display to look for an interfering signal
- Use different frequencies or point a directional antenna elsewhere
Section 6.6 Summary
- A third party message cannot be transmitted if the third party's amateur license has been revoked
- To conduct communication with digital station operating under automatic control outside of automatic control segments, station initiating contact must be under local/remote contrl
- An unattendedf digital station transferring message from/to internet is an automatically controlled station
- Messages sent via digital modes are never exempt from third party rules
- Automatically controlled RTTY stations are allowed to communicate with other digitally controlled stations anywhere in 1.25 meters or shorter, and on specified segments for 2 m - 80 m
- A PACTOR station can detect if frequency is in use by going into monitor mode
- When signals interfere with PACTOR/WINMOR, results in all of the following:
- Frequent retries/timeouts
- Long pauses in message transmission
- Failure to connect
- To establish contact with a digital messaging system gateway, transmit a connect message on the gateway station's published frequency
- Waterfall display:
- Frequency is horizontal
- Time is vertical
- Intensity is signal strength
- A failure to exchange information due to excessive transmission attempts will result in a dropped connection (for PACTOR/WINMOR)
General Class Ham License Notes from studying for my General Class ham license.
Chapter 2: Procedures and Practices: General/Chapter 2 Study Guide Chapter 3: Rules and Regulations: General/Chapter 3 Study Guide Chapter 4: Components and Circuits: General/Chapter 4 Study Guide Chapter 5: Radio Signals and Equipment: General/Chapter 5 Study Guide Chapter 6: Digital Modes: General/Chapter 6 Study Guide Chapter 7: Antennas: General/Chapter 7 Study Guide Chapter 8: Propagation: General/Chapter 8 Study Guide Chapter 9: Electrical and RF Safety: General/Chapter 9 Study Guide Flags · Template:GeneralFlag · e |