MITM/Layer 1 and 2
From charlesreid1
Layer 1 = Physical layer
Layer 2 = Data Link layer
Wired MITM attacks:
- Man in the Middle/Wired
- Man in the Middle/Wired/Network Tap - notes on creating an ethernet cable tap for a wired network
Evil Twin
The following wiki pages have notes on carrying out a wireless Evil Twin MITM attack:
- Evil Twin - background info, overview of process
- Evil Twin/Setup - how to set up the hardware to carry out the evil twin attack
- Man in the Middle/Evil Twin - once the Evil Twin AP is created, you can use it to carry out the MITM attack by creating a bridge for traffic from one interface to another and sniffing all the traffic passing through the bridge
- Man in the Middle/Evil Twin with Ettercap - to conduct a MITM attack with an Evil Twin AP, you can use ettercap to sniff the network interface bridge
monkey in the middle attacks in which an attacker tricks two parties into thinking they're communicating with each other, but both are communicating with the attacker.
Wireless Attacks: MITM/Wireless Wired Attacks: MITM/Wired
Layer 1 and 2 MITM Attacks: Network Tap: MITM/Wired/Network Tap Evil Twin Attack: Evil Twin · MITM/Evil Twin
Layer 3 and 4 MITM Attacks:
ARP Poisoning: MITM/ARP Poisoning Traffic Injection/Modification: MITM/Traffic Injection DNS Attacks: MITM/DNS · Bettercap/Failed DNS Spoofing Attack · Bettercap/Failed DNS Spoofing Attack 2 DHCP Attacks: MITM/DHCP WPAD MITM Attack: MITM/WPAD Port Stealing: MITM/Port Stealing Rushing Attack: MITM/Rushing Attack Attacking HTTPS: MITM/HTTPS
Session Hijacking: MITM/Session Hijacking
SSLSniff · SSLStrip · Frankencert
MITM Labs: {{MITMLabs}}
Category:MITM · Category:Attacks · Category:Kali Attack Layers Template:MITMLabs · Template:MITMFlag Flags · Template:MITMFlag · e |