Search Trees Study Guide
From charlesreid1
Definitions and Variations
binary search trees - binary tree data structure, guarantes keys in left subtree < k, keys in right subtree > k
in order traversal - visiting each node of a BST in sorted order
- traverse left subtree, visit action, traverse right subtree.
- sorted iteration of keys can be made in O(n) time.
binary search - search algorithm in which successive halves of the array of data are chosen; utilizes comparison and equals info
rebalancing - as nodes are added and removed, left and right nodes can become imbalanced, affecting search speed - O(log N) becomes O(N)
rotation - principal operation of rebalancing, rotates a child above its parent
trinode restructuring - restructure connection from grandparent node to grandchild node to shorten path between them
splay tree - binary tree structure in which most frequently used/accessed items are kept near the root
factory method pattern - subclass controls behavior details, implementation handled in parent class
AVL (Adelson-Velski-Landis) tree - self-balancing binary tree that ensures the height is O(log N) by guaranteeing the following:
balanced AVL tree - height difference is maximum of 1
unbalanced AVL tree - height difference is larger than 1
splay - moving a node x to the root via a restructuring sequence (zig-zig, zig-zag, and zig); each move shifts the node closer to the root
multiway search tree - search tree in which internal nodes have more than 2 children
d-node - a tree node with d children
secondary data structure - a data structure that serves in support of another, primary data structure; for example, d-nodes have maps
bootstrapping - use of a simpler solution to create a more advanced solution (O(n) map is OK, if 1-10 items max)
(2,4) tree - tree in which every internal node has at most 4 children
red-black tree - search tree in which nodes are colored red or black to maintain balance
ADTs, Implementations
Binary Search Tree
Binary search tree interface:
- get
- set
- insert
- remove
- node navigation methods:
- first
- last
- before
- after
- parent
- left/right
- see map implementation
- inherits from map base class and binary tree class directly (multiple inheritance)
Balanced Search Tree:
- rotate(p) - rotate p and its parent
- restructure(p) - trinode restructuring
AVL Tree:
- Node:
- int height
- extends other node classes
- recompute height
- is balanced
- tall child
- tall grandchild
- rebalance
Splay Tree:
- splay
- extends TreeMap type
- utilizes rotation method
(2,4) Tree
- standard map/tree implementation
- Node:
- Multiple entries per node
- Use a hash table to keep track of nodes
- Use a sorted array, b/c O(1) size means its cheap and you go with what is simple
Red Black Trees:
- Node:
- boolean red black
- get/set red
- get/set black
- is leaf
- get red child
- rebalance inset
- resolve red
- rebalance delete
- fix deficit
Algorithms for Operations
Binary Search Tree
find min method:
- deal with empty case
- public method calls private method
find min subtree method:
- if has lef:
- return find min(left)
- else:
- return self
find max subtree method:
- if has right:
- return find max(right)
- else:
- return self
before(p) method:
after(p) method:
- 2 cases
- case 1: right != null
- walk right once
- walk left until left == null
- return walk
- case 2: right == null
- walk up once
- walk up until parent == null or walk = left(parent)
- return parent
search(k) method:
- deal with empty case
- call private method
search(p, subtree) method:
- if k equal p:
- return p
- else if k < p and left(p) exists:
- search(left, k)
- else if k > p and right(p) exists:
- search(right, k)
- else:
- unsuccessful search
insert(kv) method:
- p = search(k)
- if found:
- update p value
- else if k < p:
- add new item as p.left
- else:
- add new item as p.right
delete(K) method:
- p = search(k)
- if not found:
- return null
- if p has 0 children:
- remove p
- if p has 1 child:
- remove p
- replace p with p's child
- if p has 2 children:
- find before(p)
- replace p with before(p) (node only, not the subtree)
- remove before(p) from its ol position (it must hae o-01 children)
find range(k1, k2) method:
- deal with empty tree case
- p = search(k)
- while p not null:
- p = after(p)
- yield next key/value
find ge(k) method:
- deal with empty tree case
- p = search(k)
- return after(p)
- otherwise return null
get(k) method:
- deal with empty case
- p = search(k)
- rebalance tree
- return p
set(k,v) method:
- deal with empty case
- p = search(k)
- if found,
- set new value
- else,
- create new node
- add to p (left or right)
- rebalance tree
delete(p) method:
- if 2 children:
- replacement = last position in left subtree of p
- replace p with replacement
- p = replacement
- get parent of p
- delete p
- rebalance (parent)
delete(k) method:
- deal with empty case
- p = find(k)
- if p is our node (p==key):
- delete p
- return
- rebalnace
Balanced Search Tree
rotate(p) algorithm:
- x = p
- y = x.parent
- z = y.parent
- if z is none:
- root = x
- x.parent = none
- else:
- relink(z, x, y equals z.left)
- if x equsl y.left:
- relink(y, x.right, true)
- relink(x, y, false)
- else:
- relink(,y x.left, false)
- relink(x, y, true)
- x = p
- y = x.parent
- z = y.parent
- if ( (x equals y.right) equals ( y equals z.right) )
- rotate(y)
- return y
- else:
- rotate x
- rotate x
- return x
relink(parent, child, make left) method:
- if make left:
- parent.left = child
- else:
- parent.right = child
- if child is not none:
- child.parent = parent
AVL Tree
recompute height(p) method:
- height = 1 + max( height(left), height(right))
is balanced(p) method:
- return abs(p.left.height - p.right.height) <= 1
tall child(p) method:
- if node.left.height > node.right.height:
- return p.left
- else:
- return p.right
tall grandchild(p) method:
- child = tall child(p)
- favor left grandchild if child on left
- favor right grandchild if child on right
- return tall child(child)
rebalance(p) method:
- while p not none:
- save old height
- if p is not balanced:
- p = restructure(tall grandchild(p))
- recompute height(p.left)
- recompute height(p.right)
- recompute height(p)
- if new height equals old height:
- p = none / done
- else:
- p = p.parent / repeat with parent
Splay Tree
rebalance(p) method:
- splay(p)
splay(p) method:
- while p is not root:
- p = p.parent
- grandp = parent.parent
- if grandp is none:
- zig case:
- rotate(p)
- else if ( (parent equals grandp.left) equals (p equals parent.left) ):
- zig zig case:
- rotate(parent)
- rotate(p)
- else:
- zig zag case
- rotate(p)
- rotate(p)
(2,4) Tree
insert(k,v) method:
- z = search(p)
- w = parent9z)
- if found:
- update z
- else:
- insert(k,v,w)
- if overflow(w):
- split(w)
delete(w) method:
- z = saerch(p)
- if not found:
- return none
- if z is internal node, swap (ki, vi) with node w whose children are all external
- to find w:
- find right-most internal node w in the subtree rooted at the ith child of z
- swap item (ki, vi) of z with last item of w
- remove (ki, vi) from w
- remove ith external node from w
- fusion or transfer(w)
fusion or transfer(w):
- if sibling of w is 3-node or 4-node:
- transfer child of s into w
- transfer key of s into u (parent of w and s)
- transfer key of u into w
- if 1 sibling or if 2-node siblings:
- fusion(w) case
- merge w with new sibling
- make new node w'
- move a key from u (parent) to w'
- if underflow(w):
- fusion or transfer(u)
Complexity and Cost
Big O Complexity Table
Big-O Complexity of Lists | |||
General/Unbalanced Binary Search Tree |
Balanced Binary Search Tree |
AVL Tree | |
search | O(h) | O(log N) | O(log N) |
insert | O(h) | O(log N) | O(log N) |
remove | O(h) | O(log N) | O(log N) |
find range | O(h + S) | O(log N + S) | O(log N + S) |
rotation | - | O(1) | O(1) |
restructure | - | O(1) | O(1) |
find lt/gt | - | O(log N) | O(log N) |
iterate | O(N) | O(N) | O(N) |
Splay Trees
Big-O Complexity of Lists | |||
Splay Tree | |||
height | O(d) (zigs and zags)
O(h) ~ O(N) (worst case) O(log N) amortized |
OOP Principles
Search trees are rife with applications of object-oriented programming. These are a great place to focus for object-oriented examples.
More delegation of roles:
- Who performs comparisons?
- Who gets left child and how?
- Who gets ancestors?
- Know, before you start, how these questions will be resolved.
- The answer to these questions will rapidly propagate throughout your solution
Separation of position and node:
- Position object points to tree and points to node
- Node holds data, position does not
- Tree has a validate method to turn positions into nodes
- Why use this mode?
- allows for validation - is this position actually in our tree?
- protects data/node while also allowing users a way to point to locations and have O(1) accesss
- Why not?
- confusing, abstract, a bit wishy-washy
- Extra level of cognitive burden - how to convert position to node? do I return a node? what if protected? position? value?
Multiple inheritance:
- inherit from abstract map or abstract data type interfaces to implement a tree map
- inherit from linked binary tree to implement a tree map as a tree directly
- This is why it is important, even early on, to decide your abstraction and inheritance diagram
- pseudo-virtual methods useful for different purposes
Inheritance diagram:
- AVL, Splay, RedBlack trees inherit from TreeMap
- TreeMap inherits from Abstract Map and Linked Bin Map
Tree Node factory:
- Subtlety in design of LinkedBinTree and TreeMap classes:
- Node class is defined in parent class
- However, a balanced search tree requires storing additional info (AVL - height, redblack - color)
- The classes all use the BASE Node class in the parent implementation
- This is not linked to the specific parent class's implementation of the node - rather, we utilize polymorphism and maintain parent type pointer (ore general) so that it can still refer to the child type (Node carrying more information)
- Polymorphism in action
Search Trees Part of Computer Science Notes
Series on Data Structures
Binary Search Trees · Balanced Search Trees Trees/OOP · Search Trees/OOP · Tree Traversal/OOP · Binary Trees/Inorder
(Note that heaps are also value-sorting trees with minimums at the top. See Template:PriorityQueuesFlag and Priority Queues.)