Docker/Network Debugging
From charlesreid1
April 19 Debugging
Cannot reach container, no netstat in the container to check if sockets are open.
Troubleshooting: here and here are both useful pages.
To run netstat in the container, even if netstat is not available in the container, run
$ sudo nsenter -t `docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}'` -n netstat
Can also use docker port command to check which ports are open and exposed to the host:
$ docker port container_name
Went through some debugging with Iptables rules, and dropping a bunch of old crusty rules that were not being used/applied. This did not affect the firewall/connection in any way.
Really frustrating. Port 8888 simply will not open up to the outside world. Port 8081 works fine and is open from the container to the outside world (MongoExpress), but has no rules set in the firewall (incoming packets set to accept all). Same thing with port 28017, this port is also open. There is one rule for it, exactly the same as the one rule for port 8888.
Changing the port number to 9990 did not affect the outcome either. The container is still unreachable, even from the localhost. No port 9990 open anywhere, when scanning from a remote machine and when scanning from the local machine.
Nothing working. No idea.
And of course, two minutes later, everything just magically works somehow, after the fifth time trying the exact same set of commands.
Nmap was not helping here: port 9990 was open but was not showing up in any nmap scans. See:
$ nmap Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-04-19 23:02 UTC Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.00082s latency). rDNS record for Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 8081/tcp open blackice-icecap Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.08 seconds
but when port 9990 is specified, it discovers it:
$ nmap -p 9990 Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-04-19 23:03 UTC Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.00046s latency). rDNS record for PORT STATE SERVICE 9990/tcp open osm-appsrvr Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds
Lesson learned: if you know what port you're scanning for with nmap, SPECIFY IT!
docker notes on the virtual microservice container platform
Installing the docker platform: Docker/Installing Docker Hello World: Docker/Hello World
Creating Docker Containers: Getting docker containers from docker hub: Docker/Dockerhub Creating docker containers with dockerfiles: Docker/Dockerfiles Managing Dockerfiles using git: Docker/Dockerfiles/Git Setting up Python virtualenv in container: Docker/Virtualenv
Running docker containers: Docker/Basics Dealing with volumes in Docker images: Docker/Volumes Removing Docker images: Docker/Removing Images Rsync Docker Container: Docker/Rsync
Networking with Docker Containers:
docker pods pods are groups of docker containers that travel together
Docker pods are collections of Docker containers that are intended to run in concert for various applications.
Wireless Sensor Data Acquisition Pod The wireless sensor data acquisition pod deploys containers This pod uses the following technologies: Stunnel · Rsync · Apache · MongoDB · Python · Jupyter (numerical Python stack)
Deep Learning Pod This pod utilizes the following technologies: Python · Sklearn · Jupyter (numerical Python stack) · Keras · TensorFlow