From charlesreid1
Docker pods are based on the Docker container analogy: each container holds and runs a service. A pod holds a bunch of containers. So my list of pods is a list of groups of containers that deploy together, and form a toolchain for a given project.
Here is a link to more information about how to install Docker containers/images from Dockerhub: Docker/Dockerhub
Docker/Pods/Wifi - building a pod for the UGR wifi project. This includes the following components:
- stunnel SSL wrapper server
- web server (database, reports, access data)
- rsync server
- https web server (ssl hello world)
- mongodb database
- mongoexpress web interface for mongodb
Docker/Pods/Deep Learning - a pod for deep learning and neural networks
- Python
- Sklearn
- Jupyter (numerical Python stack)
- Keras
- TensorFlow
(Note: the Deep Learning pod has been obviated by the Jupyter project's Docker stacks:
docker notes on the virtual microservice container platform
Installing the docker platform: Docker/Installing Docker Hello World: Docker/Hello World
Creating Docker Containers: Getting docker containers from docker hub: Docker/Dockerhub Creating docker containers with dockerfiles: Docker/Dockerfiles Managing Dockerfiles using git: Docker/Dockerfiles/Git Setting up Python virtualenv in container: Docker/Virtualenv
Running docker containers: Docker/Basics Dealing with volumes in Docker images: Docker/Volumes Removing Docker images: Docker/Removing Images Rsync Docker Container: Docker/Rsync
Networking with Docker Containers:
docker pods pods are groups of docker containers that travel together
Docker pods are collections of Docker containers that are intended to run in concert for various applications.
Wireless Sensor Data Acquisition Pod The wireless sensor data acquisition pod deploys containers This pod uses the following technologies: Stunnel · Rsync · Apache · MongoDB · Python · Jupyter (numerical Python stack)
Deep Learning Pod This pod utilizes the following technologies: Python · Sklearn · Jupyter (numerical Python stack) · Keras · TensorFlow