From charlesreid1

Docker pods are based on the Docker container analogy: each container holds and runs a service. A pod holds a bunch of containers. So my list of pods is a list of groups of containers that deploy together, and form a toolchain for a given project.

Here is a link to more information about how to install Docker containers/images from Dockerhub: Docker/Dockerhub

Docker/Pods/Wifi - building a pod for the UGR wifi project. This includes the following components:

  • stunnel SSL wrapper server
  • web server (database, reports, access data)
  • rsync server
  • https web server (ssl hello world)
  • mongodb database
  • mongoexpress web interface for mongodb

Docker/Pods/Deep Learning - a pod for deep learning and neural networks

  • Python
  • Sklearn
  • Jupyter (numerical Python stack)
  • Keras
  • TensorFlow

(Note: the Deep Learning pod has been obviated by the Jupyter project's Docker stacks:
