Fipy/Simple Transient Problem
From charlesreid1
This page covers the solution of a simple ODE using Fipy.
The Equation
This script solves the following differential equation:
with initial condition
which has the exact solution:
More information about this problem is available via Wolfram Alpha.
The Script
Import Statements
We begin with our usual import statements, which allow us to use Fipy for solving the equation and Matplotlib for plotting results.
from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from fipy import *
# Set up figure for plotting
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
Input Parameters
The first thing we'll do is set some parameters, which we will then use to construct Fipy objects:
# Set Fipy parameters
# number of cells in mesh
nx = 1
# timesteps
deltat = 0.1
nt = 100
# initial value
iv = 1.0
Fipy Objects
Now assemble Fipy objects using user parameters
# Assemble Fipy objects
# create the mesh
mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx,dx=1.0)
# create the variable
y = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=iv, hasOld=1, name='y')
# create the equation
RHS = -1.8*y - 1.0
eq = TransientTerm() == RHS
# solver
from fipy.solvers import LinearPCGSolver
solver = LinearPCGSolver()
#from fipy.solvers import DefaultAsymmetricSolver
#solver = DefaultAsymmetricSolver()
# timesteps and steps
dt = Variable(deltat)
steps = nt
t = dt.value * steps
solutions = zeros([steps+1,nx])
solutions[0,:] = y.value
Solution Loop
Loop over each step and solve the differential equation over that step:
# loop over timesteps
for step in [i+1 for i in range(steps)]:
solver = solver,
# store solutions
solutions[step] = y.value
Plot Computed and Exact Solution
ts = linspace(0,t,steps)
# plot computed solution
# plot exact solution
y2 = 1.5556*exp(-1.8*ts) - 0.5556
ax.legend();; plt.draw()
The Result
This should result in the following plot: