From charlesreid1

Notes on Grafana

Grafana is a tool for building and saving slick-looking visualization dashboards. It has a lot of built-in chart types and works with many types of backend databases.


Grafana is written and implemented in Go. The easiest way to install it is to run it in a Docker container.

Dockerhub link to Grafana container: repo with Docker file:

This uses a script from Grafana to build the container, and a customized run command that gives more control over the container setup.

Grafana Data

When running Grafana in a container, it is a good idea to create a bound directory to store all Grafana data. This will keep all data sources and dashboards persistent across sessions.


To connect other components in other Docker containers to Grafana, start by getting the Grafana container up and running. It will be bound to the local machine port 3000.
