From charlesreid1

netdata docker

charlesreid1 git repo: (TBA)

Standalone netdata docker container:

(Note: this is the standard netdata repo but the Dockerfile is conveniently embedded in there so it's picked up as a docker container)

The netdata container is am arm image, lightweight at 60 mb, and uses /host to connect to the host.

Not sure about the run script or the connection between the host and the container.

graphite docker

charlesreid1 git repo:

graphite container comes from graphiteapp docker image:

Note that currently, the installed netstat instance (currently, an aptitude-installed instance of netdata) steps on the toes of this graphite container because port 8125 is open on the host machine.

To fix: slight modification of the port mappings in the docker run call.


original Docker run call:

docker run -d\
 --name graphite\
 -p 80:80\
 -p 2003-2004:2003-2004\
 -p 2023-2024:2023-2024\
 -p 8125:8125/udp\
 -p 8126:8126\

Now, remap 8125 in the graphite container to 8124 on the host:

docker run -d\
 --name graphite\
 -p 80:80\
 -p 2003-2004:2003-2004\
 -p 2023-2024:2023-2024\
 -p 8124:8125/udp\
 -p 8126:8126\

One of the things mentioned on the docker hub page that is not explained is "mounted volumes", with a few directories listed. [1]

This comes from the Dockerfile that this is based on, which is hopsoft's graphite dockerfile:

Looking in the Dockerfile we see this line:

VOLUME ["/opt/graphite/conf", "/opt/graphite/storage", "/etc/nginx", "/opt/statsd", "/etc/logrotate.d", "/var/log"]

This simply indicates that we are now able to mount these volumes to the host container using the -v flag. However, we need to decide where and how to mount these volumes, and set the appropriate locations in the docker run command.

docker run \
   ... lots of other parameters and flags ... \
   -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container

where the path in the container would be one of the directories in the VOLUME list.

Also, this nice pain-in-the-ass task: the image we stupidly decided to pull does not do anything as far as configuration files.

Copy all the goddamn config files from the conf dir of this repo into the host directories being mapped into the container:

mongo docker

mongodb docker

charlesreid1 git repo:

mongodb is a nosql database and it runs on port 27017. The volume is run using the -v flag to create a mapping from the database's data directory to a folder on the host so that the data is persistent after the container goes away.

we have successfully set up a mongodb docker container to use a persistent data directory in /opt/mongodb and to start up on boot.

The final docker run command is here:

mongo express docker

charlesreid1 git repo:

mongo express is the web interface to mongodb, and runs on port 8081. this container is linked to the mongodb container and communicates with it via port 27017.

The final docker run command is here:

run mongo docker containers on boot

To run the mongo docker containers at boot, I created run scripts containing the docker run commands (with all flags setting up port mappings, etc.)

This script does the following:

  • List all docker processes and pass each one to docker rm to remove any old versions of the containers
  • Sleep to let the removal finish
  • Start the mongodb container
  • Sleep to let mongodb start up
  • Start the mongoexpress container

Many Bothans died to bring us these steps.

    # Start MongoDB container
    # and MongoExpress container.
    # This script should be made executable
    # and called in /etc/rc.local
    # by the desired user:
    # su charles -c '/path/to/script'

    # remove crusty processes
    docker ps -qa | xargs -I% docker rm -f % 

    sleep 5;

    # run mongodb

    sleep 5;

    # run mongo express

Next, add this script to the /etc/rc.local file to run it at boot:

su charles -c '/path/to/above/
