From charlesreid1


Part One

Chapter 1

Walking around muttering to self, avoiding people, dropping hints of crime being considered. Sees woman, Alyona, about pawning things for rent as "trial" visit

Chapter 2

Tavern speech by civil servant, Marmeladov, walking him back to his house

Chapter 3

Letter from his mama, going on walk

Chapter 4

Ruminating on sister Dunia, drunken teenager, constable, walking toward home of Razumikhin

Chapter 5

Nightmare about horse being beaten to death, overhears Lizaveta saying she'll be out of the house at 7

Chapter 6

Recalling how the idea of the crime first entered his mind, waking up at 6, hasty preparations for crime, knocking on Alyona's door

Chapter 7

Raskolnikov murders the old woman, takes keys, goes through things, realizes door is unlocked, kills Lizaveta, closes door when two men come to the door, escapes while they're out, returns ax, goes to his room

Part Two

Chapter 1

Searching clothes for traces of blood, hiding evidence of crime, receives summons from police station, passes out on hearing about murder, Ilya Petrovich questions him about whereabouts

Chapter 2

Raskolnikov goes for walk, buries stolen goods under rock, visits Razumikhin for work, ends up leaving, goes home and sleeps, hallucinates Petrovich beating the landlady

Chapter 3

Raskolnikov begins hallucinating, in and out of consciousness for four days, receives money from his mama, taken care of by Razumikhin, visited by doctor (Zossimov) and detective (Zamyotov), new clothes from Razumikhin

Chapter 4

Razumikhin and Zossimov discuss murder at Raskolnikov's

Chapter 5

Visit from sister's fiancé Luzhin, trying to display intelligence, criticism by Razumikhin, Raskolnikov very rude to Luzhin, throws everyone out

Chapter 6

Raskolnikov goes to Crystal Palace cafe, reads through old papers for information about murder, toys with Zamyotov about guilt of crime, insults Razumikhin, walks across bridge, witnesses suicide attempt, goes into Alyona's home, redecorations, asks them suspicious questions about the blood and murders, thrown out by porter

Chapter 7

Marmeladov drunk and run over by horses, Raskolnikov brings him to his house, gives 20 rubles to family, Polenka runs after him asking his name, Zossimov (doctor) thinks Raskolnikov is mad, Raskolnikov and Razumikhin go back to his room, find his mother and sister there

Part Three

Chapter 1

Pulcheria Alexandrovna and Dunya visit Raskolnikov, he orders them out. He also orders Dunya to break off her engagement. Razumikhin says he will stay the night with Raskolnikov. Razumikhin tries to convince Dunya and Pulcheria Alexandrovna to leave Raskolnikov, and offers to bring the doctor Zossimov. As they begin to trust Razumikhin more, he becomes increasingly attracted to Dunya. They leave and return to their lodgings, Razumikhin checks on Raskolnikov then visits the two women by himself, then visits them with Zossimov. Zossimov believes Raskolnikov to be suffering from an obsession.

Chapter 2

Razumikhin regrets the things he said the previous night but still prepares for his meeting with Dunya with extra care. He updates them on Raskolnikov. They show him a letter from Luzhin. He asks not to see Raskolnikov again. He tells them about the money he spent on Marmeladov's family. Dunya wants Raskolnikov to meet with her fiancé despite his request. The three of them go to Raskolnikov.

Chapter 3

Zossimov informs them Raskolnikov’s condition has improved. Raskolnikov pretends to be in a better mood. Apologizes to Zossimov, to Razumikhin, to Pulcheria Alexandrovna, to Dunya. He confesses to giving most of the money to the Marmeladovs. But he soon becomes anxious and annoyed again. He insists Dunya not marry Luzhin. She shows him Luzhin's letter and explains her plan. Raskolnikov agrees to meet with Luzhin that night.

Chapter 4

Sonya comes to visit Raskolnikov and invite him to Marmeladov's funeral and the memorial dinner that will take place after the funeral. She is shocked by Raskolnikov's poverty. Dunya and Pulcheria Alexandrovna leave. Razumikhin leaves with Raskolnikov to go to Porfiry Petrovich to inquire about Raskolnikov's pawned watch. Sonya leaves to return home, and she is followed on her way home by Svidrigailov, who lives next door.
