From charlesreid1

CW Shorthand

There is a lot of shorthand. This keeps cw conversations short. It enables contacts across languages. It is surprisingly flexible.


AR - new page (+)

BT - new paragraph (=)

BK - break/back to you

CT - copy this

K - invitation for any station to transmit

KN - invitation for named station to transmit

SK - end of contact

Q Codes

QRL - busy?
QRM - receiving manmade interference
QRN - receiving atmospheric/weather/natural noise
QRO - increased transmit power
QRP - decreased transmit power
QRQ - i can receive quicker
QRS - i can only receive slower
QRT - receiving station is terminating
QRZ - who is calling/station calling
QSK - i can hear between signals, break in on my transmission
QSL - sending acknowledgement of receipt
QSX - listening to call signs on X MHz
QTH - position/location


AGN - again
ABT - about
ANT - antenna
CUD - could
DE - from (this is)
DSW - goodbye (russian: do svidanya)
ES - and
FB - ok
GA - good afternoon or go ahead
GE - good evening
GM - good morning
GN - good night
GG - going 
GND - ground
HR - here/hear
HV - have
K - over
KN - over, named station respond
NW - now
NX - noisy
OP - operator
OT - old timer
OTC - old timers club
QTH - location
SIG - signal
SK - end of contact
TNX - thanks
VY - very
WL - will
WUD - would
WX - weather
YL - female operator

Example Conversations

Radio/CW Conversations
